Sabian Symbols Study Group: Libra 15 - #195


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LIBRA
Degree: 15
Number: 195



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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My Mercury - Oh yes and it is, going round and round re-visiting people and places on a different level... LOVE the pic - again purple_scorp ALWASY so perfect...

Numerology: 195
Sabian Symbol: Circular paths
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Congruity
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Right inguinal lymph nodes
Crystal Element: Ammonite or Ammolite
Expression: Opalised Ammolite is a fossilised ammonite gemstone. Ammolite improves the flow of energy or chi, enhancing personal growth and prosperity.
Message: Living with the natural rhythms and cycles of life.
Sun Focus: Throughout life you revisit ideas, places and situations, spiralling upward toward holistic awareness.
Affirmation: I rejoice in the circle of life.


Hi Marina,

thanks re the pic. We have a little maze in a nearby town and I wanted to get a photo of that but ..... didn't quite get there.

Loving your work too. Lots of threads to read.

Hope you are well and happy

with love



I love this as my mercury - it is not an easy symbol cause I keep returning to various situations and places - and things ALWAYS 'look' the same- but they are NOT I have moved onward - upward or backward one thing is for certain this is NOT a stationary symbol ;)

BUT then again mandalas are stationary but take you amazing places hmmmm



This symbol jumped at me last night when asking about the direction in which a situatio would be going in the future, the symbol I actually drsw after this one jumping off the deck when shuffling was Libra 26
Fromthe symbol that jumped the message i get is that the situation will not be solved, things wil just keep going on on circles, never really finding a closure to the situation. What do you guys think any other opinion on this symbol.


Adjustment said:
This symbol jumped at me last night when asking about the direction in which a situatio would be going in the future, the symbol I actually drsw after this one jumping off the deck when shuffling was Libra 26
Fromthe symbol that jumped the message i get is that the situation will not be solved, things wil just keep going on on circles, never really finding a closure to the situation. What do you guys think any other opinion on this symbol.

Oh this is a great symbol - arent they all hmm

This symbol I see as a spiral - its not to say you cant change its dierction - speed or height - think about where you started and where you are now - its not like the merry go round symbol where things keep returning to the same space - this symbol means - IMHO - that things go UP or Down...
in a spiral - karmically its a really important symbol - DNA is like this symbol a spiral up and down - each element is vital - a vortex is this symbol..
so for you - depending on what the situation is I think you are moving through it there was a birth - then a maturity - there will be an ageing process and then release.. all a part of the circle of life..

Maybe draw another card to ask for some perspective?
