Sabian Symbols Study Group: Scorpio 5 - #215


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Degree: 5
Number: 215



Hi all,

I drew this as a daily card on 10-8-6. As I was shuffling the deck, 4 flipped out (which is the degree of my sun sign) so it was interesting to actually pull the next one along, 5.

Without sounding too egotistical, I would love a dollar for every time somebody told me how strong I am. In fact a lot of people tell me that I am one of, if not the, strongest person they know.

I was discussing this topic with a close girlfriend of mine - who also gets told the same thing (she is an Aries!) And, we came to the conclusion that we have both had a lot of turmoil in our younger years, from which we have learnt and grown so we are each very solid and stable in our own right. We must shine out like beacons because we are often approached for advice and support by our friends, work colleagues and family. So not only are we strong for ourselves, but we are strong for other people too as we listen to their problems and offer guidance and support and hence, we are labelled.

We are the rocky shore that gets continually pounded by the sea....but unlike this symbol, we are changing. Our years of experience have slowly eroded interesting patinas into our souls and it seems to make us even stronger.

To be strong all of the time, is very tiring. And there have been plenty of times that the both of us have said, why do we always have to be the strong ones? So, my friend has cried on my shoulder at times, and I on hers. But then we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and tighten our stomach muscles so that once again, we can withstand the pounding of the sea.

with love


purple_scorp said:
We are the rocky shore that gets continually pounded by the sea....but unlike this symbol, we are changing. Our years of experience have slowly eroded interesting patinas into our souls and it seems to make us even stronger.

Yes, nicely written and said, we are continually changing.

purple_scorp you mention you and your friend crying on each others I sense this release, I feel a lightness, a joy, a deep feeling of connecting and longing. The emotions and tears a sense of recognition, an opening of the hearts, releasing energy that has been stored or trapped there...water flows freely, allowing a flood of energy to strengthen, reenergize and realign your bodies.

But this shoreline has remain unchanged. I thought of what this interpretation could mean to me.

Water molds and brings life to a cold and barren shoreline. But theses rocks feel dark, cold...nothing seems to emanate from them...are they reacting instinctually to protect.....a shield erected to protect, where nothing can penetrate

Or perhaps...everything around the rocky shore is distorted.....fighting a wave of nausea.....time slowed.....possessions that become burdens....inheld rage...pride. Something stopping us from moving forward.

Then again, this rocky shore could symbolize a tremendous force that reflects the essence of perfection.

Throughout our evolution we have retained the rules of a certain dynasty. A dynasty that constantly controls our societies our laws and order. I cannot help but see the 'old' Hierophant here ruling tradition, rituals, solidity, foundations and religion.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp bless you - hugs - you are strong, and with divine perspecitve you are beautiful! look at the beauty of the coast, the meaning - boundary - here it is stabilisation but its where things meet, you choose to be enduring we apprecaite that - but look at the magesty - the height the interaction -so many beautiful aspects you have to fortify your strenght with....
(better look for those giants!)

Sabian Symbol: A massive, rocky shore
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Stabilization
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Testicles, left side of uterus
Crystal Element: Stromatolite
Expression: Stromatolite is also known as Algae Iron and Fossil Algae. Stromatolite promotes balance, strength and determination, inviting Giant energy into situations.
Message: Remain grounded through the tides of time and change.
Sun Focus: Honest and dependable, you have a strong sense of duty; you are a valuable friend.
Affirmation: I see and appreciate the enduring quality of natural forces.


Hi Marina,

how, thank you for your kind words.

Just to update this Aries girlfriend lost her husband to leukemia around May this year. And yes, she was the strong one, counselling her family and friends.

You kind of wonder if all of the stuff she went through in her childhood was in preparation for this latest grief.

When I ask her why her soul chose to support a husband through to death...she selflessly says that she thinks it's not about was all about him. And how special she feels having been chosen by his soul to perform that duty.

What a beautiful person.

with love


purple_scorp said:
Hi Marina,

how, thank you for your kind words.

Just to update this Aries girlfriend lost her husband to leukemia around May this year. And yes, she was the strong one, counselling her family and friends.

You kind of wonder if all of the stuff she went through in her childhood was in preparation for this latest grief.

When I ask her why her soul chose to support a husband through to death...she selflessly says that she thinks it's not about was all about him. And how special she feels having been chosen by his soul to perform that duty.

What a beautiful person.

with love


the why is often not important - ahd HE is with her in all ways now - and he is...

Im reading entering the castle - and this thread makes me think of that - lack of ego - filled with spirit and light - bordering between human and spirit...
yes hardships - what is that tibetan saying about diamonds do not shine unless you grind them... its much more poetic of course

HUGS to you and your dear friend...