Deck of the week group - week 41 - 11-18 May 2012


Themed decks can sometimes be just a bit too far removed from tarot, and I think this might be the issue with the Silicon Valley. It is a fun, quirky deck, but it is difficult to associate with tarot.


Hi Jema

Sorry Been a hell of a week, My stepfather died, completely unexpected - we are in shock to say the least, Two sick horses with 3 emergency vet calls, Two sick cats more vet visits, Trying to get everything sorted so I can go away for a few days to funeral so last night was working untill 11pm and have just finished tonight at 22.30pm so havent had time to keep up with this sorry.

Thanks xxx

:heart: I will be sending some warm thoughts your way! (((NikkiB and family and pets)))

Themed decks can sometimes be just a bit too far removed from tarot, and I think this might be the issue with the Silicon Valley. It is a fun, quirky deck, but it is difficult to associate with tarot.

Hmm- I just received one. I was curious if you tried it with and without the extras- and how that changed the "feel" of the deck, if at all? Of course, I still have more dark decks to get through before I hit that category. Shocker right???!!! :D


(((Nikki)))) :heart: and hope things calm down for you.

I am enjoying my week off. Today I did some readings with the Etteilla and Vanessa decks...what a pairing, huh? But I also feel a little strange, anchorless. :laugh: I have really gotten used to this group.


Hmm- I just received one. I was curious if you tried it with and without the extras- and how that changed the "feel" of the deck, if at all? Of course, I still have more dark decks to get through before I hit that category. Shocker right???!!! :D

This is the Silicon Valley Tarot. However, in regards to the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn, I did try it both ways. I used 99 cards and really felt that the extra cards gave some depth to the readings I did. Also used only 78 cards and really loved it. It is a great deck. The sheer size of 99 decks, though. :bugeyed:

Honestly, I don't think I'll use it with only 78 cards for future readings. I even used the extra fools - partly because they are so different from one another.

I am loving your stroll through your dark decks! :)


(((Nikkib))) Sounds like a terrible week, hope things calm down soon for you.

Still liking the Surrealistic tarot. I actually have a few clients in mind that might appreciate it.

Those Soul cards...hmph. I love nature and the natural world, but the more I use it, the less I like it. :p


(((NikkiB))), Love, strength and comfort to you and your family.

I'm enjoying the Rohrig Tarot, which always surprises me when I use it because it's such a masculine deck - one at first glance that should be used at a fraternity party or something of that sort.:p But it and the Masters (tarot which I'm using as an oracle) have given me some meat to chew on this week.


So sorry Nikki, i really didn't mean to add any stress to your already hectic and sad week. Hope you forgive me.


So sorry Nikki, i really didn't mean to add any stress to your already hectic and sad week. Hope you forgive me.

Not your fault you couldn't know, I was just explaining my absence x

Thank you everyone for your support :heart:


Best wishes to you and your family, Nikki. Many people around the world are thinking fondly of you right now.

I have been absorbed with my Intensive Deck Study deck (Maat) so far this week, as always happens when I do a Big reading and need some time each day to deconstruct it.

I am going to be receiving a new deck in the mail tomorrow, so if I can do less than half a week with it, I will. Otherwise, I'll start a new week with it on Saturday.


(((NikkiB))) Good thoughts for you and your family and pets from here, too.