Horary Readings Round 7 - Questions


I think I can do change over the six months, what I'm not sure about is identifying the areas of change using horary. So you might get something a long the lines of change is coming....but not specifically where it's coming from. I can try to locate areas but I can't guarantee there. However if you want a go at simply 'change', in the hope that I can find some way of being more specific, I'll be happy to take it.

If you have something you want me to be specific about then please feel free to change your question to that area.
Give it ago, lets see what comes up :)


Hey Minderwiz,
are you still taking questions?


Yes. the thread is still open Nytebugg


How does my career and money look for the next 12 months? Additionally, do you see any significant investments or career changes?

I hope the question is okay.


like so many posters, it's weird that i've never had a horary reading before... but i'd like one, if you please!

i have, of course, a romance question (doesn't everyone?), but i think i'd like to concentrate instead on my living arrangements. i have made plans to change them to something i think will work better for me, but i'd like to know if you see any friction or a hitch in my plans or factors that i'm not considering (good or bad), and how pleased (or not) i will be with my next move. my time frame is for moving in october.

if you need any more information, please PM... and thank you so much for offering these!


My question is will I get married or be in a marriage like relationship in the next 18 months?

You had read for me before back in Jan in the DIY thread on a similar type question and you were right. There have been some changes since the time frame on that reading which had been 6 months. I hope that I can ask the same sort of question again. If not just let me know.
the background is that
I am still single. I have one of those it's complicated type relationships where it's one step forward and two steps back. I am trying, like always, to be open minded and not be so narrowly focused on is it going to be X.


My question is will I get married or be in a marriage like relationship in the next 18 months?

You had read for me before back in Jan in the DIY thread on a similar type question and you were right. There have been some changes since the time frame on that reading which had been 6 months. I hope that I can ask the same sort of question again. If not just let me know.
the background is that
I am still single. I have one of those it's complicated type relationships where it's one step forward and two steps back. I am trying, like always, to be open minded and not be so narrowly focused on is it going to be X.

OK....that questions fine


Namaste Minderwiz,

Hope you are doing fine.

It would be great to get a reading from you again your readings are so accurate and indepth.

The flat we purchased we paid lot of money but the construction is not going ahead its half done...we should have been getting the possession by now but the builder and his staff are not replying...

When will we get the possession of the house we bought at grihashakti?(Question)


I'm on holiday at the moment and not able to do readings for a couple of weeks. ill let you know when I'm back and can start readings again


I'm on holiday at the moment and not able to do readings for a couple of weeks. ill let you know when I'm back and can start readings again
:(:( ok i will wait