Do the animals speak to you?


I apologize if this post is in the wrong section. Please let me know where it should go if not here.

So, I feel that animals have messages for me often. Sometimes I pay attention more than at other times. However, I feel I'm always aware.
I have medicine cards, power animal oracle cards, animal speak books, pockets guides, etc.
And in the most simple way, I once had a mentor tell me to just think of what that animal is known for (or means to you) to get more of a sense of their message.

I've had many experiences where I've been guided by the animals (a squirrel led me right to someone's grave I was looking to find without knowing where in the cemetery it was). They have spoken to me (literally at times with crows cawing, hawks screeching, dogs barking, etc.)

I haven't really felt any type of messages or connections going on for some time now, but like I said, I'm always "aware".

Well, today as I was getting ready for work, I went to open the curtains in the house before leaving and there was a fox standing in my backyard! Now, I live in a development where each house has about 1-3 acres of land for their yards, but they aren't wooded. They are very much open minus landscaping and some shade trees in the yard. Hmmm...interesting and not something I see every day or very often. So I took note, and wondered "what does the fox say" :D I wondered if there was some magic going on in my life, or about to start. Or perhaps he/she was telling me something about family.
As I was driving to work on the highway, a hawk flew across RIGHT in front of my car...not higher up, but down at windshield level. It startled me! My first thought was that it was that low because it was after something. My second thought was that it was giving me a message. I associate hawks with protection and also seeing from above. Hawks are not uncommon for me to see, I see them almost daily, but not that close.
Then, as I was sitting at the stop light before getting to work, a cardinal flew right in front of my car as well. So beautiful and bright red!! I thought perhaps the message was to show off my bright colors, my light. Show off my vibrance and let my beauty be seen amidst the duller background.
And lastly, as I pulled into the parking lot at work, I go to park and a squirrel is there in the parking space and no matter how close I inched my car, it would not move. Finally it hopped away, but again, what was it telling me? Squirrels I tend to think are talking about preparing for the future, stocking up for a cold winter's day.

So, overall, I was amazed at how in a half hour period so many animals seemed to be coming my way and I couldn't help but feel they were trying to convey something to me. But what??

Does anyone else get messages from animals? And do you associate any of these animals with particular messages? Any insight or thoughts are welcome.

Thanks! :)


Heather Rose, in my opinion birds are often messengers. The hawk was definitely trying to get your attention, it seems. Perhaps it was telling you that a spirit is near you, trying to pass along a message, as this is one bird that does relate with the spirit world. However, given the 4 animals you saw, their message to you could also be that you are going to need to focus (also a gift/message of the hawk) on something & rely heavily on your quick intuition/skills & cunning nature, (foxes general message) to ride through this happening easily. The bright red cardinal is telling you to be brave and don't be afraid to make yourself seen or heard. Then the squirrel shows that you will make out well, as it is an animal that plans well forits future. It is a good omen with all of these animals. Also, I forgot to mention that the squirrel is wellbalanced too. So when something does come your way, remember these four animals & the wisdom they have to share with you. Call on them again to be with you and you will come through it with ease and grace. You will be fine.

Not many have your gift, and it is a truly lovely gift to have, to talk to the animals. They have a lot of wisdom to share with us. So, anytimre you can use this skill, do so! Stop, listen and heedwhat they are saying to you.

My daughter and my son in law both have this skill in them. I love to hear their stories and have shared a few on here as well. My son in law works outside for his career & is well known at work & also nicknamed the animal whisperer, due to the wild animals they encounter & his ability to speak to them too. Especially the red tail hawks, which is his power animal. When at work, hawks are always following him around. He can whistle & more will come flying to him. Its amazing, really. :)


celticnoodle, thank you for your insight.
I have to say I haven't felt as connected to the animals for a bit of time, which is why I posted. Normally their messages seem to come very easily to me. Such as...if a deer crosses my path, I usually can pin it to being more gentle (with myself or others), and more times than not, the deer will come to me when I'm beating myself up about something.

Speaking of the birds being messengers, it made me remember that over the weekend I saw a crane flying overhead while I was out in my yard. That is VERY rare! Not that you don't see them now and again around my area, but it's extremely rare, and usually they aren't flying, you see them standing somewhere...usually around water.

I used to have a close friend that could also understand the animals. If I needed him or wanted to send him a message, I would tell the crows to let him know. I could count on getting a phone call from him saying "what is it? A crow landed in front of me and told me you needed me".

I will pay attention and remember what you said.
I had an afterthought also....the fox I saw was a red fox, the hawk was a red tail hawk, and obviously the cardinal was red. The squirrel, the typical gray, but I was wondering if the red was something significant, but I couldn't "feel" anything specific.

Thanks again!


I would think the color red was a bold color and one of leadership & strength. Perhaps this is also something to keep in mind.

Very cool about the crows. Crows are another symbol for spirit communication, as well as mysterious. They are known to carry messages for people to the heavens. It seems that you & your friend must have had a strong connection to each other & the crow! :)


I was instructed in this as a child. It's quite a long list that may take a while to master, but you could find it by googling something like: The sheep goes baaaa, the cow goes moooo, the crow goes caw caw … .


This happens to me a lot as well. I live in a suburban area so contact with the wild is minimal, and somehow interesting creatures always manage to dart right in front of my car. Herons, foxes, hawks, gophers. Even if they were carrying messages from the other side, I'm not sure how one could interpret it.


This happens to me a lot as well. I live in a suburban area so contact with the wild is minimal, and somehow interesting creatures always manage to dart right in front of my car. Herons, foxes, hawks, gophers. Even if they were carrying messages from the other side, I'm not sure how one could interpret it.

One way I was told to be able to interpret the animals crossing your path is to think of what that animal is known for, whether it's personality or what it does, and see how it relates to something you are dealing with, thinking about, or doing.
My simplest example is with deer.....the majority of the time when a deer comes to me, it is telling me to take a gentle approach...deer are gentle creatures, they don't roar or charge like a lion, they don't squawk or really have an aggressive nature.
Most times this is due to me having some harsh personal thoughts about myself, or beating myself up for something. Or even being a bit tough on someone else in my life. So it's like a little reminder to lighten up a bit.

Since I don't know things about all animals, it helps that I have an Animal Speak pocket guide to check sometimes when certain animals make their presence known to me. If I can't understand something or don't know much about that animal, I look it up and see how it applies to me.

Thanks for you input! :)


Yes, I relate to this as well. I love your story about your friend and the crow- animal medicine at work, to be sure!

I also have the Medicine cards, and love the drawings and interpretations. My father grew up on a farm, and deeply loved animals, and taught me and my sisters to love them as well. Growing up, we had quite a variety of animals as pets around us. So in part, it's a love for animals that compels me, but also their deeper nature as well. And I feel that indigenous peoples/spirit guides have a lot to teach about respect for animals, and their special skills and wisdom.

Since I live in a suburban environment, even though I don't physically get to see some animals, I do feel them at times in my meditations, and depending on what's happening in life, sending special messages.


Thanks for your reply Smiling. :)
I feel very fortunate that I live in a suburban area myself and I work for an indian tribe, so I work on the reservation. I see animals such as deer, turkeys, the occasional fox and coyote, and many birds on a regular basis.
But even though I may not see certain animals in person, they are always around.
In fact, this morning I came to work and I have one of those "page-a-day" calendars where I flip it each day and there is picture. Today's is a flamingo. Now, It's unlikely I'm going to see a flamingo in person in New England unless I visit the zoo, but because this bird made it's presence known to me through that picture I know it was telling me something, so I took out my trusty little pocket guide and read:

Flamingo (healing)
Now is the time to heal the heart. Follow your heart in all endeavors. Seek out what heals and nourishes the heart.

Sometimes it takes a little thought and sometimes it hits me right away, but today this made a lot of sense for me. :)

So I thanked the flamingo (and the Universe) for the message. :)


I live in the city, so I don't come across many animals. But where I live, we have lots of birds. I live in an apartment, and next to the living room window, there is a vine with pink tubular flowers. Last Summer lots of humming birds came to feed on these flowers.

One day, I was sitting at the table when I heard the humming birds (they do this chuik chuik sound), and there was one looking at me through the window! Seriously! It stood there for a few seconds, and then continue with its doings. It was really weird. But funny, and made me laugh. Maybe it had was trying to tell me something?