The Tower strikes again--only different


I was going to mention the Sword 10 - I live with constant backpain too, a result of my pelvic bone moving when I was pregnant, I just have to manage it but the one thing I do pay attention to is the Sword 10, I noticed a long time ago that before I have an episode or do something stupid and hurt myself I start getting that card. I try to take notice but my back can go just by leaning over, LOL, stupid back.

I really hope you start to feel better soon and your regular doctor can do something for you. (((( Grizabella ))))


Hey Grizabella, Love and light to you! sending you healing prayers and best wishes for healing your back :)

I have a friend who works with chakras, and she always tells me that the back is linked with finances, so that if your back hurts, you're worried about money, and so would need to release anxiety/worries. Not sure if that fits for you, but thought I'd share it in case.


I also saw the 10 of Swords quite often when the Tower started cycling around.

I don't think it can be fixed, really. It seems like he would have said so if there could be. Maybe my regular doctor will have some better news.

Yikes - well here's hoping in the reason they didn't say anything is just because maybe there's no way to be sure yet. Don't lose hope and stay positive! It's my personal belief that doctor's don't often know what they're talking about, so good on you for talking to more than one. Will have my fingers crossed for some better news. Maybe do some meditating on the relief you will feel when this all goes away and how you'll feel about it once you're out of the pain.

And good looking out on the 10 of swords. Keepin my EYE ON THAT ONE!!!! lol

Zen Mamma

To Grizabella

I'm new to this forum but I have to reply to this. Grizabella I'm sorry to hear about your back. Believe me when I say I totally get the back pain thing! I have had back issues most of my life. I was a figure skater from the age of 3 until 14 and I can't tell you how many times I broke my tailbone during practice! Anyway, the skating, a snowboarding accident, and 4 children later (last 2 back to back c-sections 14 months apart) and my back gave in. Long story short, after a failed laparoscopic surgery I had a disc replacement at L4-5 and a spinal fusion at L5-S1. Please take care of your back. And when they say take it easy PLEASE DO. And take it from me, Don't ever get surgery (even a little outpatient laser one) until you get a second, third and fourth opinion. Take Care



I am so very sorry to hear about what happened!! *BIG HUGS* That is terrible and very painful! I had neck/spine surgery several years ago. Mine happened like yours. I was fine one minute, woke up one morning and was in misery! They kept asking me when I was in the car wreck. lol {No wreck Doc, I honestly just woke up in bed. :)} A slipped disk is a pain like no other. Bless your heart!! I feel so badly for you! *HUGS*

I have been getting the Five of Pentacles again! :bugeyed: Today it hit me... again! There are some cards that I truly dread. :(

I hope that you find some relief fast and that you have quick healing!:heart: Sending lots of healing vibes your way, Sweetie!!

Brightest Blessings! :heart:


So sorry to hear this: I have some trouble like that in the spine at times too, and know how scary and helpless (plus painful) it can feel. I used to go to a Chinese doctor who was a martial arts expert in tai chi and chi gung, very slow and mild, and she gave me moves that helped in general. Maybe something very gentle like that could help you when you are feeling better. I wish you the best--


So sorry to hear about your injury. I know several people who have had similar back issues, and the pain certainly isn't minor. Not to repeat what has already been said, but do try your best to take it easy, especially with lifting and turning (in fact, avoid lifting much at all if you can avoid it).

I thought it was interesting that The Tower manifested as a back injury. Towers bring to mind a pillar or upright foundation, much what the spinal cord and vertebrae are to us. It makes me wonder if other cards might represent certain body parts, and if it may be used for pinpointing physical ailments in readings.

As for your Ten of Swords, it almost feels like a tongue-in-cheek "pain in the back" kind of interpretation. At least there's room for recovery! I hope you get more information and options from your physician soon. Rest up and be well!



I'm sorry to hear of your plight...I can only send you my best and hope that you can move again soon....

May your healing be rapid...


So sorry to hear this -- I hope the meds work and the pain goes away.


ugh, grizabella - that sounds horrible... healing thoughts are coming your way from new orleans!

i know everyone wants to give some advice, and you've probably gotten a lot; but at the risk of overkill, i do have a couple of words ~
my boyfriend has had chronic back/neck/shoulder issues for years now (nothing like a slipped disc, but definitely painful and limiting!). he recently decided to go to a physical therapist, and she has done magical things! physical therapy is kind of like a cross between massage and chiropractics; in his case, his spine is being manipulated and muscles are being stretched (and strengthened) in ways to support and re-align his spine, due to years of weird posture. the idea behind it is really awesome: fix the body physically, instead of through surgical or medical avenues.

anyway, i just thought i'd throw it out there, if it's an option for you. (he had to ask his doctor for a referral.) physical therapy is basically an alternative approach that doesn't have that woo-woo connotation, if you know what i mean. ;)

take care, m'dear!