Discussion Thread for: The Making of a New AT Collab Deck


I'm not that happy with the idea of it being sold on the open market...

The idea I was thinking of is quite personal (theme, our personal understanding of the card (or something like))
And I don't know if I'd want my name atatched to it in 5 years time or whatever.

Or can I use a pseydonym thingy????

Like no mention of Lille at all???

Or must I do just another rendering of the usual grim reaper instead?

Laura Borealis

I think if anyone would like to use a pseudonym or go by anonymous, they should be able to.

I'm starting to change my mind about printing. I never thought people would want to use it for fund-raising or marketing the AT brand. :bugeyed:


Interesting ideas, trzes.

Lillie, I wouldn't want to see my full name in conjunction with a tarot card too. In a scientific affected world it could be not so easy for some people at any place to show your interest in tarot cards.

We (team) are figuring out, how to go re copyright, availability of the deck etc. at this moment.


Why not just do it as we have always done here ? A digital deck available to view here (and supplied to Orphalese, incidentally - at least I ASSUME Solandia let them have it.). We were always able to download it anyway. I don't want it used for MARKETING, though if there is profit to be made from supplying it in print form JUST TO THE CREATORS, I'm OK with Solandia getting that.

Lillie makes a good point; I don't want my name (real or even gregory) on a printed one that gets outside this forum, in any form, either.


@ trzes agree with you!:))
I’m always for wide availability! Imagine some tarot enthusiast after XXyrs discover our deck and say; YEAH!!!! fantastic!:))))) lolz

my point
author keep copyright,
deck goes online like usual,
if everyone agree limited printed edition (something like available for sale only 1or few month?:)))

@Lillie I think we could agree that everyone decide preferred pseudonym or name for use?:))

@gregory I understand your point, maybe we could make compromise?
Something like deck will be online as usual but if majority decide for print we may use alternative artist card design who didn’t mind printed?:))


I don't mean she would have to 'manage' the deck creation, I'm just suggesting that as a way to have a printed option, the organizers give her the final files, to upload to game crafter, or the deck committee could even create the whole project under a user name at Game Crafter for her, but then transfer the password to the account to her, she could then change the password so they no longer have access...add her payment account info and that's it....print on demand means nothing for her to do except have payments deposited in whatever account she links to it that she manages her AT finances with.

Game Crafter is a 'print on demand' service, meaning, you don't order a big 'run' of printed decks that someone has to physically mail out individually. People just go to game crafter, who "hosts" all the digital files and has a payment interface, and when someone orders it, they do all the printing, fulfillment and shipping...that's why 'print on demand' services are so popular for CD printing, Art, and now even Tarot Decks and Games...no financial investment up front, or hassle of fulfilling orders...they do take a chunk for their valuable service, which, is great, good for them....it's a good business model and they provide what a lot of people are looking for, convenience and simplicity for projects like this, and it also doesn't matter if only one person orders a printed deck or 20,000!

It's an option to consider anyway...a nice simple option...

you could also eliminate the worry about people making a profit off the decks on ebay, just keep it available forever on game crafter, then it won't go out of print, and won't ever be more valuable than just buying it new from game crafter and raising money for AT.

It seems like a nice idea, but I worry about copyright issues, which are not so simple, and basically could differ in every country. We want the artists to keep copyright ownership, but if it's for fundraising the site, then they must know that the site will be making a sum from their artwork (basically profiting from it) over the course of many years. And the artist has the right to say no and refuse giving permission, impose conditions, or charge a fee for the artwork being used. And what seems like a simple process, could become a nightmare.

But if let's say, Solandia made a deck herself, and is therefore the copyright owner of it, she could then put that up on TGC, get it printed and redistributed, and use it to fund raise money for the site. Otherwise another artist could also give permission for their deck to be used to fund raise for the site. And that could be a much simpler process than getting like 78 artist's written permission to use the artwork, or otherwise trying to get them to give up their copyright ownership (which I wouldn't think would sit well with anyone).

I mean I love the idea of fundraising for aeclectic, a site that is truly wonderful in and inspiring in every way, and I didn't mean to sound like a party pooper in anyone's eyes. I just don't want issues down the road, of some kind of fraudulent claims that aeclectic is swindling money from profiting from the deck, under the guise of a fundraiser.

But I hope that someday we can have some kind of fundraiser for this lovely site, and we can all work hard to keep it alive.


I'll ask her, but I am pretty sure that Solandia would prefer that the decks be kept for and by their creators and no others. Fund raising is a nice thought but it clearly could derail the project and I suggest that you all set that idea aside and do this for yourselves.

Of course it could/will be showcased electronically on the main AT as the older decks were if you like.


ps I have created a Sticky at the top of the section and will keep track of any and all threads related to this deck there.


The more I think of it the less I like the idea of contributing to a promotional deck, even if it would be for one of my favorite websites ever. I don't see any point in going commercial either, be it in terms of advertising the deck, or by trying to make profit or even by making it more public than it needs to be for our own purposes. If there should be a couple of dollars left in the end, then (like most of the others I suppose) I am strongly in favour of donating them to Solandia, Amnesty or whatever, regardless of how many people may have paid for a copy.

I am in favour of a wider availabilty of the deck (for a limited time) only for reasons of simplicity. It's true, it would be even simpler not to print the deck at all, but like the majority of people according to the poll I want a printed copy for myself.

And I still don't see how printed copies (non-commercial but non-restricted either) would make me any more exposed than with my images being available online for everybody. I just made a google search for "lillie high priestess", the second result points directly to the page on aeclectic with lillie's high priestess from the 2006 deck, the name "Lillie", and a long description of the card. I have to say I love this card :heart:


I'll ask her, but I am pretty sure that Solandia would prefer that the decks be kept for and by their creators and no others. Fund raising is a nice thought but it clearly could derail the project and I suggest that you all set that idea aside and do this for yourselves.

I have been cross-posting. I guess that settles these issues anyway.


Just a short note - the project wasn't started as a fundraising, and I don't think it will be one! The only reason we're looking into printing, is to make it easily available in good quality for Deck Creators and/or maybe AT members, at cost price. Every other information doesn't come from the team.

Why not just do it as we have always done here ? .
We learn a lot from how it's done before, but it can be delightful to explore new possibilities with fresh minds :) if it doesn't work out, we can still do the same old...