Would You Continue To Read Tarot Even If It Aged You?

Would you continue to read tarot even if it physically aged you?

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The closest thing I can come up with about the 'original post':
So I'm home at my mom and dad's house on vacation trying to enjoy my down time when my mother tries to feed me some BS that divining ages us. I know she just wants me to put the cards down for awhile but I couldn't help it as my dad kept asking me questions! Well, it pissed me off kinda but the truth is, I can't help but wonder if we are receiving knowledge from the cards that it would normally take others normal amounts of time to receive. Are we speeding up the aging process by reading tarot or doing any other divination?
is something that happened in the old SciFi series 'Farscape' where the character Chiana started having short 'visions' and each time she would 'lose her eyesight' for a while. As the visions would become longer and more detailed as the series went on, the time of blindness increased before her vision restored. Finally, in what would be the unexpected final episode of the series {the creators thought it would run another season} Chiana had one very strong, clear vision, and the way the episode ended you were left with the concept that she was permanently blinded. :(

Is something like this possibly what your mother was talking about?


Interesting but no I don't think so, tarotbear. My mother is extremely controlling and critical of my looks. :( She had 6 of us who she tried to bring up as "perfectly" as she could so needless to say, that was difficult. God for bid any one of us gain weight or she'd come right out and tell you something about it and not in a nice way. This along with what she saw in a tarot reader as a child is causing her to want to control this part of me as well. I realize this is all because she grew up as a co-dependent, ya know due to her severe alcoholic father?

May I add that people like this aren't bad, they just have to find ways to feel in control when they couldn't be in control somewhere else. When I go home, I always feel I need to be preparing for a photo shoot instead of just going home and being myself. :(

This thread was very good for me. To see that not everyone feels this way about looks and aging especially when it comes to divining. Very comforting to say the least. :)


Interesting but no I don't think so, tarotbear. My mother is extremely controlling and critical of my looks. :( She had 6 of us who she tried to bring up as "perfectly" as she could so needless to say, that was difficult. God for bid any one of us gain weight or she'd come right out and tell you something about it and not in a nice way. This along with what she saw in a tarot reader as a child is causing her to want to control this part of me as well. I realize this is all because she grew up as a co-dependent, ya know due to her severe alcoholic father?

May I add that people like this aren't bad, they just have to find ways to feel in control when they couldn't be in control somewhere else. When I go home, I always feel I need to be preparing for a photo shoot instead of just going home and being myself. :(

This thread was very good for me. To see that not everyone feels this way about looks and aging especially when it comes to divining. Very comforting to say the least. :)
So - goddess - are you VERY ugly - since you read so much :D

I think not ! (Mind you, I didn't start to read till I was - over 50, I think; maybe even over 60. I was wondering why I was suddenly ageing so fast...)

My gynaecologist - a lovely man - once remarked while doing unspeakable things to bits of me, "Whatever happened to ageing gracefully ?" This was in reference to a mutual friend who was heavily into disguising her age - colouring her hair, makeup to suggest youth and so on. Don't get me wrong - she did it beautifully. But he felt very strongly that women look their best and most attractive when they honestly look like who they are, not who they think they OUGHT to look like.


I would continue to read as normal.

Tarot doesn't age me, living does age me a lot... LOL


Everyone ages anyway so yes, I'd continue to read as normal.


The idea of physically aging freaks me out period, so of course I would stop reading!! I am surprised most of you would continue as normal, though, more power to you! :thumbsup:


The idea of physically aging freaks me out period, so of course I would stop reading!! I am surprised most of you would continue as normal, though, more power to you! :thumbsup:
Your post has scared me more than any other in this thread :(

You WILL age in the end - so what will you do then ?


Your post has scared me more than any other in this thread :(

You WILL age in the end - so what will you do then ?

Of course - and I hope I do, because it means I'm alive... But in our society which places such emphasis on youthfulness, it's not any easy thing for a woman to see her body and face change. I try to stay healthy and delay it, but ultimately I know I will, I just hope to do so gracefully. Anything that would speed up that process, I would definitely stop doing.