The Fifth AT Deck in Progress


OMG! what a beautiful empress!@.@ :))))) looking forward to completion!^^ :)))


Hi frejasphere!!! :)

Whoa! What an Empress...Gorgeous. Rich. Beautiful. I'm speechless. Look forward to seeing
the full artwork & LWB. :heart:



I am in the middle of painting the Empress, working on having her finished by the deadline :) As I have a habit of 'going quiet' while I work, I thought I'd pop in with a quick update and a hello...

Here is a detail image (not the full artwork) of The Empress in progress:

I am still trying to find words for the LWB (this may be harder to do by the deadline :rolleyes: ) - though my inspiration flows along: She is mother, daughter, beauty in nature and focused outward ... She is at one with her surroundings and openly welcomes what comes her way... hopefully I'll find more words when the painting is done :)

*wave* :)

WOWZERS! She is gorgeous, Frejasphere! Can't wait to see her completed. Awesome job! :heart: :thumbsup:


@Frejasphere - oh wow!! she looks amazing!! :thumbsup:

seven stars

I just went through the whole dropbox set again - what a fantastic collection - I love this so much.

Laura Borealis

It really is an amazing deck. Such a kaleidoscope of styles and colors. :thumbsup:

Here is the Seven of Coins, I hope you all like it. :livelong:

Two wealthy women admire a collection of bonsai plants for sale. The bonsai seller kneels by her creations, describing their aesthetic qualities to the prospective buyers. Her ingenuity and effort, and the time she has spent growing these exquisite plants, may be about to pay off.

Meaning: fruitful effort, profit, reward, investment

Image sources:

Japanese print from Library of Congress, in public domain. Artist: Kiyonaga Torii (1752-1815).
Japanese coin drawing, 1878, from Library of Congress, in public domain.
Background based on origami paper.


  • AT Collaborative 2015 Seven of Disks web res.jpg
    AT Collaborative 2015 Seven of Disks web res.jpg
    69.6 KB · Views: 91


WoW! BEAUTIFUL AND ORIGINAL!:))) added to dropbox!^^ hopefully we'll complete this deck soon!^^

so last call for folks to sign up for last 5cards!^^ :))


Great composition for the 7 of Pentacles, Laura! Nice touch with the origami paper, too!! :)
Also love the write up!

It definitely is an amazing deck! We're almost there. SO exciting!

And yes...only five cards left to sign up for... :)

Laura Borealis


I had a thought and it might have been brought up before - but what about making a tarot app out of our deck? I have no idea how to do it but I think it would be pretty cool. :thumbsup: