Which Tarot remains silent for you


Am l the only reader on the Planet who does not have a connection with the Rider Waite tarot. This deck l know is widely used as a teaching tarot and usually the first deck someone buys. l have tried different variations of the deck and bought books to help me along. l look at the cards and pretty though they are l feel absolutely nothing coming from them. Yet l can use and read with the clones beautifully.
My recent purchase was the PCS Centennnial l have to say its a lovely deck and l had high hopes that this was the one to break through the block. Sadly its the same old story. l just cannot come to any relationship with this deck. Even reading Mark Katz and Tali Goodwin's book together with the cards just left me cold. In fact l ended up with a headache :joke: Though l enjoyed reading about Pamela.
Is there a deck you would love to be able to read with but for some reason it alludes you.


Normally, I'm so persistent that any deck cracks up and starts talking sooner or later. }) And since you can read with the clones, I'm assuming it's not the system that's the issue. Perhaps, the images of the original RWS simply don't inspire any feelings in you? :confused:

I'd been having trouble with the Golden Dawn Magical until a few years ago, when I pulled the deck out and asked it very bluntly what the problem was. The answer it gave me opened up this deck to me, and in a slightly unexpected light too. I guess, sometimes it takes a shift in perspective and/or tastes, as it happened to me many times. As a result, I haven't bought many decks in my life but all of them but one are definite keepers.

Good luck with your RWS journey. ;)


Am l the only reader on the Planet who does not have a connection with the Rider Waite tarot.

This deck l know is widely used as a teaching tarot and usually the first deck someone buys.
I teach with it, because it is a good, solid deck to learn on even if you hate it. I read with it, too, if clients want it - but then, I could read with seventy-eight scraps of numbered hessian sacking if I had to <grin>.

It has an egregore of history and respect attached to it which cannot be totally ignored, and it is *great* for learning on. Once you've done your basic learning, move onto decks that inspire you. :)


Sometimes there's just no connection. I've also experienced that, not with the RWS, but with some decks that I've purchased and I was SO SURE I would click so well with them. I remember finding the Paulina Tarot years ago when she was working on it and just posted some images online. I fell in love. I was eagerly waiting, and when I finally got it... Not very readable for me. :( And I absolutely looove the art, so it's not that.

The same happened with the Shadowscapes. BUT... After collecting dust for quite some time, all of sudden I felt drawn to it one night, did a reading, and bam! We connected so well, the reading was flowing beautifully, and now I love the deck after months of feeling disappointed it wasn't readable. LOL...

So I believe that sometimes we have to wait for that click. ;) When the time is right it's just right. And meanwhile there are tons of decks umm fish in the sea... :p


If you have any interest in relating better to RWS, you might check out Tarot of the New Vision (LoScarabeo). Each card is drawn from "behind" the RWS figure, revealing an entire new scene which expands on the traditional meaning(s).


since you can read with the clones, I'm assuming it's not the system that's the issue. Perhaps, the images of the original RWS simply don't inspire any feelings in you? :confused

You could be right here l certainly don't get the feelings from this deck that l do with my others. l can read well with my other decks especially Roots of Asia and Mythic.

I'd been having trouble with the Golden Dawn Magical until a few years ago, when I pulled the deck out and asked it very bluntly what the problem was. The answer it gave me opened up this deck to me

Well out of interest l just did this with the RWS and up came the Queen of Cups. Funny that because l work with empathy and intuition when reading. So is the problem related to the inspiration you mentioned.

Good luck with your RWS journey. ;)

l may just give it another try but not holding my breath :joke:

ETA: tried using multi quote and its all jumbled, hope you make sense of it. See its the curse of the RWS :laugh:



I teach with it, because it is a good, solid deck to learn on even if you hate it. I read with it, too, if clients want it - but then, I could read with seventy-eight scraps of numbered hessian sacking if I had to <grin>.

It has an egregore of history and respect attached to it which cannot be totally ignored, and it is *great* for learning on. Once you've done your basic learning, move onto decks that inspire you. :)

Yes its because l respect the RWS that l have battled to read with it. l learnt originally with Kat Blacks Golden tarot which served me well for a time.

My psychic ability is there but nothing like yours to be able to read with scraps of hessian:joke:


I learned with the images from the RWS in books but this deck has never spoke to me at all I get nothing from the images on it, I have never purchased a deck, I plan to one day just to have it in my collection but I doubt I would ever use it, my first deck was the cosmic tarot, which is a blend of both RWS and the thoth teachings, and is my always go to deck as it was my very first deck.


Sometimes there's just no connection. I've also experienced that, not with the RWS, but with some decks that I've purchased and I was SO SURE I would click so well with them. I remember finding the Paulina Tarot years ago when she was working on it and just posted some images online. I fell in love. I was eagerly waiting, and when I finally got it... Not very readable for me. :( And I absolutely looove the art, so it's not that.

The same happened with the Shadowscapes. BUT... After collecting dust for quite some time, all of sudden I felt drawn to it one night, did a reading, and bam! We connected so well, the reading was flowing beautifully, and now I love the deck after months of feeling disappointed it wasn't readable. LOL...

So I believe that sometimes we have to wait for that click. ;) When the time is right it's just right. And meanwhile there are tons of decks umm fish in the sea... :p

Its annoying when there is no connection especially a golden oldie like the RWS one. l have gone on to use other decks but who knows it may decide it wants to be friends and we can click as you say.


OP, no, it's not just you. This deck (the RWS) doesn't speak to me at all either. But I do use its clones and that seems to work out just fine.
I think that my problem is that I'm not Jewish nor Christian, and so tying things in to the Bible and the Kabbalah just doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm not really able to get into the occult thing. Plus the colours are dull. There are so many wonderful tarot decks out there with astounding art! So I focus on those instead.