Accidentally bent a card while shuffling...


Both Nemia and Griz gave such lovely insights.

I'd have to add that if the bent card interferes with the way you use the deck comfortably (i.e. it sticks out distractingly from the deck, etc.), you could go ask someone here on AT if they have an extra card they'd be willing to send you.

This thread is technically for missing cards, but you could sound off there.

Thank you very much for taking time to reply.
It was time for a new deck anyway(I like my Llewellyn so much more, I'm deeply drawn to the imagey) ...besides, I have my sight on the Rosetta deck.


But anyway, I'm sorry you creased the Empress from Thoth. I'm glad it wasn't in the deck you used the most. That would have compounded the dismay, wouldn't it?

I would have indeed...

You're very welcome. :) I just dug out my Llewellyn a few minutes ago to start using again for awhile. It's such a beautiful deck and I love the card stock. I had lost the book for it and then bought a used copy but it seems not to have made the move to Washington with me so I'm going to order another copy.

I like Llewellyn's imagery...I never realized how important the imagery can be to a reading until I had started started using Llewellyn. It's kinda hard for me to explain how I would read the cards, but I guess I've treated it like a story with no pictures.

Forgive me if I do not make any sense here.

Nisaba makes a good point there. I agree that it's the signs of having been loved and well-used make a deck precious. In fact, for a long time here there were people who were purposely trying to make their decks look damaged and well-used by dunking them in tea, running over them with a car, dragging them sharply across table edges and all manner of abuse.

If I were to go to a sitter with a beat up old deck, it would speak to me of someone who was well experienced and knew their deck frontways, backways, and through and through so I'd feel confident of a good reading. Of course, it could also mean somebody had bought a new deck and tortured it, but an honestly well-used deck would be spotted by an experienced Tarot user. I think if the sitter knows the cards well, they'd spot a fake aging.

Wow, me, the neat freak has really learned something here!


Of course. We all have. A mint-condition deck always looks to me like an unloved deck, an un-lived-in deck.

<curiously> How do you suppose that would happen?

You make your own luck. If you are optimistic, you attract good luck. If you are fearful that things go wrong, then things go wrong.

Thank you for taking time to reply...I deeply appreciate it.
I've always said that if everybody telling me the same thing then perhaps there is truth to it. Not only do I appreciate that you've taken time to reply to my post but I also appreciate that you've confirmed (to me) that I was being outrageously superstitious.


That happened to me with my Mystic Dreamer deck...I agree with those who have posted before me though, it's irritating, yes...but as for bad luck...nah...and as long as it dosnt interfere with anything, it shouldn't be a big deal...

I think the reason it bugs me so much is because its the ONLY one that is damaged...if all the cards were a bit more tattered i think id enjoy it cuz then my deck is what i would consider "lived in" lol

Thank you for taking time to reply to my post. You and those before you have gave me new insight.

Mystic Dreamer seems like an interesting deck.

Awakened Queen

My cat has bitten several of my Thoth cards. I wouldn't worry about it. If you're that broken up over it, just buy a new deck.


My cat has bitten several of my Thoth cards. I wouldn't worry about it. If you're that broken up over it, just buy a new deck.

Thank you for taking time to reply...
I wasn't broken up, per se...I guess I was a little paranoid. Though, I plan to buy the Rosetta deck, which is a Thoth influenced deck. I like the imagery in that deck a little better than the Thoth deck.:)


In fact, for a long time here there were people who were purposely trying to make their decks look damaged and well-used by dunking them in tea, running over them with a car, dragging them sharply across table edges and all manner of abuse.

I am abusing a deck as I read these words. :cool2:


Thank you for taking time to reply...I deeply appreciate it.
I've always said that if everybody telling me the same thing then perhaps there is truth to it.


Not only do I appreciate that you've taken time to reply to my post but I also appreciate that you've confirmed (to me) that I was being outrageously superstitious.

<grin>I can understand what made you have that thought, but even that your mind would turn in that direction and be "superstitious" makes it seem as if you are looking for negativity, which will then find you. If you want a happy, comfortable, uneventful, enjoyable life, *expect* to have one. Don't long for it, just expect it. And don't expect negativity, in Tarot or anything else. It'll still come, but not so often or so hard.


Thank you for taking time to reply to my post. You and those before you have gave me new insight.

Mystic Dreamer seems like an interesting deck.

youre very welcome, and yes mystic dreamer is a beautiful deck...the pictures have so much to tell :)