Baba Studios Mythical Creatures Tarot


From their facebook:

We've been doing a lot of thinking about the Mythical Creatures Tarot recently. The plan was to colour the deck and issue it in 2017/2018 (all our work tends to go slowly) but now, having had many, many requests for a monochrome version of the deck, we are wondering if a very small run would be a good idea.

We have had talks with specialist art/artisan printers here, with whom we used to work, and also looking at antique engravings we have. Tests are being tried out, ideas are forming...

This is very exciting!


Thanks for posting this. I'm not a "Facebooker", so I appreciate it when people share news like this. Especially Baba news. :)

Looking forward to hearing more!


Removed at Karen Mahoney's request

I guess I won't be breaking any laws by re-posting here the image they posted there. (There is also a gorgeous set of backs, but I'm not sure if they are for this deck.) The card titles are just dummy titles, obviously.

This is what I posted:

"A monochromatic/B&W version and a colored one would both be welcome. These are gorgeous beyond belief. But --will they be reasonably priced? I'm afraid both the Alice and the recent re-release of the Prague are beyond the reach of many Tarot lovers. I think special editions have their place, but so do affordable standard editions for the hot polloi with limited resources, like me."

P.S. Nothing was said about a scarf.

ETA: I removed the attachment as per Karen's request, which she has every right to make. I have my own opinion about it (not you, Alta), but I'll keep it to myself for now.


I guess I won't be breaking any laws by re-posting here the image they posted there. (There is also a gorgeous set of backs, but I'm not sure if they are for this deck.) The card titles are just dummy titles, obviously.

This is what I posted:

"A monochromatic/B&W version and a colored one would both be welcome. These are gorgeous beyond belief. But --will they be reasonably priced? I'm afraid both the Alice and the recent re-release of the Prague are beyond the reach of many Tarot lovers. I think special editions have their place, but so do affordable standard editions for the hot polloi with limited resources, like me."

P.S. Nothing was said about a scarf.

If it's a cheap deck for the hoi polloi, a tea towel might be more appropriate than a scarf. Attractive AND practical ;).


I doubt if it will be a "cheap" version. On the contrary, I'd expect it almost to cost more, as a limited edition...

we are wondering if a very small run would be a good idea.


oh! it looks beautiful!:)) I wish to color that lineart!^^ lolz hope there will be posters as well!^^:))

btw am I only one who don't like *limited edition?;// as a deck creator I wish my art be available for everyone!^^ wish they offer PS/POD version for all of us with low budget and duty limitations?x,x lolz :))


I never heard about this deck from Baba. Is this a new one or a reissue?


I never heard about this deck from Baba. Is this a new one or a reissue?
It is/will be new, and they have discussed it on facebook. So if you don't go there....

But on their website they seem to have made the decision:

The Mythical Creatures (monochrome edition). Pre-order—deck will be shipping September 2016.

The link goes to Tarot of Prague - but THAT is suppose to ship sooner than that - in May It looks like they made the decision to go monochrome, and slipped up admitting that as a preorder, while still testing the waters on facebook ?

Very odd....


I completely agree Reall! Not having a huge budget to spend on my tarot collection,I frequently can't get certain decks that I'd love but are just too expensive for me,limited edition means little to me, the particular artwork is what matters to me-all it means when something is limited is its A.Going to cost more than regular,and B.May be a pain in the butt to get hold of.
I groan when I hear something is limited...


Very neat! I feel like I signed up to get updates about this deck, but nothing has come in... I'll keep a more vigilant eye on it.