Alternative Interpretations - 10 of Wands Relationship


In the Alchemical Tarot, that you like, the meaning is more positive than in the Rider-Waite.
10 sticks are joined into a bonfire where a phoenix arises; this stresses the renewal.
Here the card doesn't only say there is a burden. It says that we can get out of a difficult situation and to reborn stronger.

With regard to a relationship I don't know exactly, this depends very much on the context, but with the Alchemical this card says that there could be a burden or something heavy, but from this something positive is possible through a renewal.

I do like all the wand cards in the Alchemical because of the fire! Yeah, I think there's a case to made for the experiences of the past giving birth to something different and hopefully better in the 10 of Wands. I looked at the image from the Rider Tarot and there is a house or castle in the distance. Having just noticed that little pictorial element it supports the idea that the person is using what they have/know to build something. This idea is more in the picture in the Witches Tarot, but it is in all three decks Alchemical, Rider, Witches and I'm sure others. The person doesn't look burdened so much as they are determined/strong/capable. They aren't dragging the wands, they are holding them off the ground and marching forward. This takes strength, endurance, purpose.


I see wands as passions, the things we do we are passionate about, sometimes I read it as someone with a very busy life, carring on with all their passion, work, college, children, husband, family, friends, etc, it's a heavy load to keep up with, you need a lot of effort to keep going, but they are determinated to keep going anyway.

Ruby Jewel

Hey Folks!

Wanting to know if the 10 of Wands in a relationship has panned out to mean something other than a burden on the querant?

Some ideas not so dire for 10 of Wands...

The burden of dreams. (The reality vs. the dream, this relationship stuff is harder than I thought).

That which the mind has built. (In the Witches Tarot, 10 of Wands has a positive spin of visualizing and building a house/home.

Anyone get anything different/more neutral or hopeful for 10 of Wands in a relationship reading?

Thanks, G6

I do not see this card as being necessarily "defensive" as fire signs have a predilection to fighting and can easily get trapped in a pattern of conflict. This card represents resilience and strength in reserve and secure, unshakable resistance to opposition. It is a position of unchallengeable security. He is holding his own in a conflict, avoiding a clash with superior forces by letting them have their way, while he stands his ground. The bandage may indicate a "psychic wound" as this battle could well be a battle with an illness. Perhaps the illness is being held in abeyance. In any event, it indicates he has closed off awareness and now looks only for the next fight.....even when the fight is over. In Rx....I see him as being overcome by the illness or opposition. Or, perhaps, like Don Quixote, he is just fighting windmills.


I do not see this card as being necessarily "defensive" as fire signs have a predilection to fighting and can easily get trapped in a pattern of conflict. This card represents resilience and strength in reserve and secure, unshakable resistance to opposition. It is a position of unchallengeable security. He is holding his own in a conflict, avoiding a clash with superior forces by letting them have their way, while he stands his ground. The bandage may indicate a "psychic wound" as this battle could well be a battle with an illness. Perhaps the illness is being held in abeyance. In any event, it indicates he has closed off awareness and now looks only for the next fight.....even when the fight is over. In Rx....I see him as being overcome by the illness or opposition. Or, perhaps, like Don Quixote, he is just fighting windmills.

Is this 9 of Wands you are describing? The post is about 10 of Wands.


I see wands as passions, the things we do we are passionate about, sometimes I read it as someone with a very busy life, carring on with all their passion, work, college, children, husband, family, friends, etc, it's a heavy load to keep up with, you need a lot of effort to keep going, but they are determinated to keep going anyway.

Lots of passion, yes, good one!

ana luisa

A lot of resolve - although heavy, the man is ready to carry it all the way to the house.


Second thoughts - now that you have all that you wanted, is it really what you were aiming for ?

Note: in some decks, the rendition allows for a neat twist in interpretation.
Fantastic Menagerie - how come I have to be the only one making sure this relationship works ?
Tarot of Trees - I give 5, you give five and we can build something new

ana luisa

The pics


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As I do with any "scenic" minor card, I like to read "outside the frame" of the picture. So the 10 of Wands means not so much a burden in progress as the imminent opportunity to lay that burden down, to put it to rest. The Tens are about endings and the possible emergence of a new beginning (but in Wands, it might just mean "the end of the beginning"); since the tarot is cyclical, the next phase would be that of Cups, and the flowering of emotional expression. The Tens always encourage looking "over the horizon" to what's ahead. In terms of growth, that's a good thing. Regarding relationships, it could mean that the often overheated ups-and-downs of the early going that can become a strain are drawing to a close and it's time to start enjoying the rewards of a more "steady state" connection.


As I do with any "scenic" minor card, I like to read "outside the frame" of the picture. So the 10 of Wands means not so much a burden in progress as the imminent opportunity to lay that burden down, to put it to rest. The Tens are about endings and the possible emergence of a new beginning (but in Wands, it might just mean "the end of the beginning"); since the tarot is cyclical, the next phase would be that of Cups, and the flowering of emotional expression. The Tens always encourage looking "over the horizon" to what's ahead. In terms of growth, that's a good thing. Regarding relationships, it could mean that the often overheated ups-and-downs of the early going that can become a strain are drawing to a close and it's time to start enjoying the rewards of a more "steady state" connection.

This makes sense since the figure is almost home, the castle is in sight and they can put down all the wands. I hadn't thought to consider what the next suit/card is in progression, but that is a good idea and it does speak to a new beginning in sight.