Modern Spellcaster's Tarot Delayed Until September 18th


I've had a chance to spend a little more time with the deck. It's interesting that, contrary to my usual experience, the trumps are my least favorite cards, probably because the symbolism is unfamiliar to me and there's no explanation in the companion book. The court cards I find very engaging and lively, while the minor cards are similarly inspiring for the most part. The suit of Swords I especially like. As someone said previously, there really needs to be a more thorough written explanation of the symbolic underpinnings of the deck from its creators. I don't have the patience to watch videos of other people's opinions.


It's a real pity about that Devil card. I probably would have picked the deck up if not for that. But it's so B-horror movie...the Death card too. It's a shame, I think the other cards are beautiful.


I just got my copy in. I like the deck, though I would have liked it much more if it had stuck to a single culture. It seems to bounce back and forth between various ancient cultures, modern Paganism, and fantasy-art (The Devil & Death seem much more like something I'd see in Vargo's Gothic tarot or Anne Stokes' Decks than the style of the rest of this deck). Just my personal feelings. I would have also enjoyed the artist's explanation of the symbols and scenes and how they fit into his idea of tarot. Usually Llewellyn accompaniment books are pretty good with that- like with Tarot of the Hidden Realm. I did like the section under each card that talks about how to incorporate it into spell and ritual work. I work a lot with the cards this way and it's nice to see how others do the same. The box was also nicely done- but in all honesty it's still way too big! I'll probably wind up throwing it out as I don't have the space. Which is a shame. If it was relative to the size of the cards it'd be a keeper for sure.

My Empress card came damaged- a big crease in it so I have an email into Llewellyn to replace it.


To be honest, none of the Major Arcana do much for me, except the Sun card, which seems suitably "radiant," and the Hermit, which plays it pretty straight. They are serviceable for reading since I don't dwell that much on the image and cut right to the core meaning of the symbolism, then elaborate from there with imagination, inspiration and intuition in a story-telling way. I'll read with it because I like the court cards quite a bit, and the Minor Arcana are evocative enough for me as well.


Apropos to nothing, does the green Empress make anyone else think of a "female Hulk," counterpart to the old Marvel comics super-hero? (I know the esoteric connection of the color green to the Empress, of course, I'm just getting a bit "juiced" on my morning caffeine :)). But in truth, it's the very first thing I thought when I saw the box yesterday.

My first thought was Fiona from Shrek lol

I've wondered about the symbolism also.. Why for example does Justice have the wheat and pomegranate? I had thought those were traditionally fertility symbols.hire do they tie in with justice?


My Woe

A friend of mine recieved the Tarot Apokalypsis and brought it to show me right away.
She was over the moon with details in the book. Its a very thick book that goes into
almost any aspect of the card you can think of. Especially the symbolism.
I felt such envy of that book.
I wish the Modern Spellcaster's Tarot had a book like that.
I'm not usually a whinger. I understand that tarot creation is a long arduous process and admire the commitment and creativity it requires.
My problem is I really love these cards and the more I use them, the more questions I have.
I checked the artist blog to see if there was any info, but he had stated about several of the cards (the Emperor being one) that he was told what to draw and was not aware of the significance of the symbolism.
Its so frustrating! I actually wrote author and told her of my love of these cards and my frustration.
I have not heard from her yet.



Today I heard from the author of this tarot, Melanie Marquis.
Here's an excerpt from her email.....

"Thank you so much for writing to me! I'm so glad you are liking the tarot deck!
Your questions have inspired me to do a series of videos where I will talk about a card each day. There wasn't room in the book to discuss as many details as I would have liked. I'm horribly unphotogenic and thus camera shy, but you have inspired me to get over that and just do it already! So first off, thank you! I will be starting these videos next week, as I'm going out of town this week."

She wrote back to me so quickly! I am so excited about the videos!!!

Here's another excerpt about my question concerning the lotus in the Chariot.

"The Chariot is inspired by a Celtic artifact featuring a chariot pulled by a horse, carrying a solar disc. I used a lotus instead of the solar disc because I feel it's a good symbol of that personal unfolding and blossoming that we do. Many cultures have this idea of the sun being carried across the sky each day, and I wanted to show how we can let our individual lights shine and blaze throughout the world, as well. The Chariot has a lot to do with preparation coupled with action. It's an active process just as the lotus blossoms. Also, lotuses grow up out of the mud, so it also symbolizes how we can be stuck but once we just get going, everything begins to open for us. "

Im so happy that she wrote back to me so quickly and Ill be getting the info I want/need!
Thank you Melanie!!!


So where (what website?) will these videos be posted?? Thanks :)


LOL I was so excited I didnt think to ask. I assumed youtube.

Ill try to find out.