Decks similiar to Shadowscapes, Paulina Tarot and Joie de vivre Tarot


Looking for decks that is similiar to Shadowscapes, Paulina Tarot and Joie de vivre Tarot

Thank you :)



Thanks for your reply! I've had a look at all your recommendation and Fantastical Creatures Tarot looks quite good. I've have a look into that :)


So, what you're saying is you're looking for a deck with intricate, delicate fantasy art with an edge of softness (from the watercolors). I would definitely second the recommendations for the Fairy Lights, the Dream Enchantress, and the Dreaming Way.

You might want to give a look to any of the decks made by Lisa Hunt, especially the Fairy Tale Tarot and the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot. Although it lacks fantasy elements, the Wild Unknown Tarot might strike your fancy. (The images are less stark in person.) And lastly, although the art style is very different, you might want to give the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight a look - it has a very dreamy feel.