Recurring Page of Cups Card


Absynthe -- that's wild. You have probably hit the nail on the head. I had a tough year in 2014-2015. It was essentially a mental breakdown (I'm bipolar) and my partner bailed on me, and I almost lost my job. At the back of my head I do fear another episode but it hasn't happened and instead I have gotten stronger and stronger -- over the guy that disappointed me thoroughly and getting better with the career. However, I don't trust love at all so I am keeping the possibility of any relationships at bay. I also fear failure at work but that's pretty normal in sales I think.

How did the page of cups and 5 of swords specifically symbolize that past rejection for you? I can read that from the swords card but not the page of cups card.

A long process of deduction. I kept getting this pairing in almost all my love readings and couldn't figure it out for the longest time. But other cards in the reading pointed to a past relationship that indeed ended in failure and I was able to piece it together. I then did a final reading about that failed relationship and you guessed it this pair showed up too. Sometimes you just have to wheedle it out by asking about the same issue from different angles.