A Most Genuine & Authentic Fake 15th Century Method!


Rosanne, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Your querent has had a tarot experience he/she will never ever forget. And that's without the reading!

Bee :laugh:


Basic Methodology

Basic Methodology

The likelihood, unlikelihood, or time frame of any event shall be determined by the proximity of two, no more, no less, significators. The nature of the querent's inquiry will determine
which specific two cards are to be examined. Once the two significators are chosen, the remaining cards are turned face-down. This will free the reader from unnecessary distraction, and bring ease and clarity to judgement.

The whole judgement is based on
how the two significators are relating to each other in two dimensional space. If they're close together they are 'connecting', if they are distant, they are 'disconnecting'.

The reading of this method is very simple. Two significators. How close together are they, and what is the nature of their proximity? The artistry, if there be any, is in the reader choosing the most appropriate of the allegorical images for the significators that best fit the querent's question.

Some specific ideas for significators for various types of questions and likewise, the qualities of different proximity, shall be revealed shortly.


On Love

The Basic Method for the Judgement of the Opportunity for Love and Pleasure

The 6th trump of the greater 22 (Love) is used as the main significator in all question on love, marriage, and general pleasures - concerts, parties, entertainments, etc..

The most common co-significator in questions of love is the 10th trump (Fortune). The Goddess Fortuna is conspirer of our destinies. She grants or withholds her favors.

The judgement of questions dealing with the possibility, opportunity, or chance for love are judged by the proximity of Love to Fortune. If we find Cupid near to Fortuna's wheel there is an opportunity. If Cupid flies distant from her, then no.


The above example shows the best possible indicator of an affirmative answer.

The significator (here Love) in a position on either side of the co-significator (here Fortune) is the surest indicator of the affirmative. The answer is definitely "yes". A position either above or below is highly probable.


The four "corner" positions, as illustrated above, are less sure than those in direct line to the Goddess, but show a moderate possibility.

Any position outside of these shows us a lesser possibility.


c.s. = co-significator

These fundamental rules of proximity shall not
only be applied to Trumps VI and X when they play the significator, but to any cards which assumes these roles.


....... O.K, looking good :)

Bee :)


An Example Reading

The Querent asks -

"Will my mother get remarried with Mr. Shultz?"


Judgement -

The proximity of Love (signifying marriage) to Fortune (signifying chance or opportunity) indicates a fairly good chance that the marriage will happen.


If a card is on the left = "The Sinister side (left) is the night. The answer is definitely "yes", but will come with some 'conditions', or in an indirect way."

Got it.

Sorry, misread the sentence.

Bee :)


I love this spread and can't wait to try it out on a question about travel using the Chariot as a significator. First, I'm waiting for enlightenment on how to read the Virtues.

Would it simplify matters to just use the Wheel of Fortune as the second significator in all questions?



I love this spread and can't wait to try it out on a question about travel using the Chariot as a significator. First, I'm waiting for enlightenment on how to read the Virtues.
Me too!
Mel always has something up his sleeve :)

Bee :)


An Example Reading

A Querent asks -

"Does Tsuchimatsu want me, need me, and can't live without me?"


Judgement -

Love is a tad distant from Fortune. The chances are modest.


* 14 * * * * *
* * 11* 6 8 *
7 * * 10 * * *

So The answer would be Yes in the Future with Virtues on the Sinister side.
Sort of looks to me like the prospective Love is Married?
