geminii everywhere!


I'm an aries and I know sooooo many geminii. It's crazy! My little brother and one of my friends are both june 21, and there has to be about 10 more close friends who are geminii! It's soooooo crazy! lol

Does anyone else notice something like this? Knowing tons of people of the same sign? Does anyone know specifically why this occurs? I'm interested in knowing other than it's just because I'm and aries.




Fatham I'm a GEMINI! ahahaha. I guess they're here to haunt you or something ;) lol

Hmm, only thing I can think of is i'm the only air sign in a family of EARTH signs......i'm the black sheep :) My own neice was supposed to be a GEMINI, but my sister had her two weeks early (was it a sign from god, or something? hehe) so Cecilia's a Taurus.


My mum,my close friend,my best friend and most of my cousins are also Gemini. They are great ^_^ Very understanding.


I'm a Pisces with an ascendant in Scorpio and I know about 10 or 12 people (including my ex, go figure that one out) that are Scorpios. It is very strange indeed.


I have that too

I know tons of Virgos and Scorpios. I am a Taurus, but for some reason, my life is flooded with those other signs. I have been beginning to collect Geminis too :)



Hi Fatham

I'm an Aries also. I find that I am attracted to Gemini's intellect and wit. I have had some of the best stimulating conversations with these people. Their 'ups and downs' leave me scratching my head though (I don't quite get it).

I'm also attracted to Cancerians. I suppose it is because my Moon is in Cancer? And I have bucketloads of Sagitarrians around me too.

Interesting topic :)


Re: fatham

CrystalRainbow said:
Hi Fatham

I'm an Aries also. I find that I am attracted to Gemini's intellect and wit. I have had some of the best stimulating conversations with these people. Their 'ups and downs' leave me scratching my head though (I don't quite get it).
:D Intellect & wit eh? Ahhhh, best stimulating conversations. Hmm ups & downs leaving you scratching your head? hehe SO TRUE!! I must admit that I fall into this short description of a True Gemini.

Most True Gemini's are dysfunctional people & they run hot & cold :D I'm so proud about this trait. lol

Did you know that Bush's parents are both GEMINI's & he's a Cancerian? THE POOR THING!!! It explains so much doesn't it?