Occult book recs? General book to help understand tarot...


I would like to find some kind of broad occult book or maybe various more specific books that will help me to connect meanings in the cards.

A book that reads like a novel if that exists might help...I read a lot of Ed books for my job/grad school so something fun to get into and read through would be better than a ref book.

Thank you!!!


There are tons of threads there about the various books available in the sub-forum for books. I suggest you take a browse through there because there's a ton of good information.


oh thx. having some issues w/ finding things on this forum on my phone...guess I should stop being lazy and go start the computer ;)


ah, found it. if I can figure out how to delete all this I will!


The sub-forum is titled Tarot Books and Media.

You're lucky you can start the computer to access the internet. My only resource is by phone.

Most of the books I've used and sometimes now refer back to are easy and pleasant to read. When I first started with the cards I thought I'd memorize the meanings and presto...become a card reader. Well, here I am almost 15 years later, still learning. It isn't a study that has an ending. :)


yes! I have been studying here and there for years but memorizing has not worked whatsoever...I've started going through majors starting with fool and making it like a story (taking a LONG time) but is working better than choosing card at random and trying to memorize it.

Plus, someone here mentioned the number in each suit going back to the major card (ie 2 going back to high priestess) and also considering the suit itself (2 of swords will differ some from 2 of wands). This changed how I look at learning cards completely!

I have a lot of work to do!


It would help to focus your question, since asking about a broad occult book is bit like asking for a recipe book dealing "with food." What are your interests in the area? Do you want to deal in the occult structure of Tarot, are you interested in magick, all of it, none of it? A specific deck or "school" of decks? Kabbalah? Astrology?


I want to understand the symbolism on the cards, thx



That is a broad subject . you can go from " chicken qabalah" to druidcraft, to some decks that teach you magic with the deck as a movable alter.


I also like the idea of tarot tells the tale...it sounds fun and I plan on ordering that.