Love Tree (6)


I created this spread on the fly while reading for a client. It started off as Raven's Monocle (, but I got the impulse to rearrange the cards and went with it. This spread also uses a Shadow Card.

This is a spread for choosing between multiple lovers or potential partners. In my client's case it was 2 men she was FWB with and wanted to know if things would develop any more between either of them.


1: The Querant
2: The relationship between the Querant and Lover 1
3: The relationship between the Querant and Lover 2
4: Lover 1
5: Lover 2
6: The Choice or Outcome

It may be apparent in cards 2 and 3 who the better choice is which is when 6 would read as an outcome. But if 2 and 3 are on pretty even ground 6 would be the determining card.

I realize the layout order seems a bit funky. Like I said, this started as another spread then got rearranged. Since it read beautifully I numbered the cards here in the order they were actually drawn.