Discussion Thread for: The Making of a New AT Collab Deck


One solution to this is to just have the minors' titles at the bottom - the same with the majors (e.g. "Three of Cups").

My only thought about this - which is why it needs to be decided very quickly -

The titles (at the bottom) are only for the Majors? Yes/ No?

Are they going to 'float' over the image in little banners like in the Robin Wood - which means everyone will need to leave X inch of non-design at the bottom to NOT be covered by the banner - OR

Will they be in a little box like the RWS - so the 'safe area' for the image might end up being something like 750 x 1250 pixels?

~~Because if the Minors will only have numbers then the Minors will be using one size image and the Majors will be using a smaller-size image.

examples attached:

1) 900 x 1500 pixels with 750 x 1350 usable area
2) example from another deck I designed with 'floating' banners
3) RWS-type template with title at bottom


My 2 cents on the questions posted earlier:

- Printed deck?

Yes please

- Unnumbered Majors

Yes, do avoid the whole 8/11 thing

- Creator to add title themselves or not?

Not. It gives a more uniform look to add the titles later by one person

- Traditional names/titles

Yes please

- Bordered cards (with a consistent border width) or borderless? (see #47)

I would say bordered cards, because it gives a more uniform look. But I am also ok with borderless

- potential size to work with: 2 - 3/4" x 4 - 3/4" (check tarobear's posts #39, etc.)

Sounds ok for me


Anything missing from this list of questions?

Thank you truelighth for responding to these questions. I know that Laura Borealis, blue_fusion & daphne, did as well...So, thank you! I didn't know that a "Summary Update" for my team would turn out to be a mini questionnaire. But, I am so glad it worked out that way. :)

What else do people want to know? What do we need to iron out? What's missing from this list? It can get confusing to go back and forth between posts. What do we need to know RIGHT NOW, that IS NOT on this list?

Thank you!

- Printed deck?
- Unnumbered Majors
- Numbered Minors post-production or not?
- Creator to add title themselves or not?
- Traditional names/titles
- Bordered cards (with a consistent border width) or borderless? (see #47)
- potential size to work with: 2 - 3/4" x 4 - 3/4" (check tarobear's posts #39, etc.)

- annabel398 is willing to contribute in a huge technical way :) :) :)
- Formatting options: PNGs, PSDs, JPGs...


Lot to catch up here!:)))

@daphne like your idea! You should do that!:)))

@tarotbear we definitely need new topic where we will publish finished cards!:)))
And im for marked bordered aria but not strictly divided see my examples!!!

@ annable398 ok! Then we all wait for pools!:)))

@gregory I agree!:)) definitely NO floating banners!:)))

In general

regarding borders I think they should be not strictly divided from card img and artist could start working in safe area and keep in mind to leave places for titles if we decide to include it!:))) or decide to add it on its own?;))))

same goes for titles I think they should not be strictly divided from img design?
I prefer titles included for court cards/bottom and mayors up/bottom need voting for this!:)) and for minors, maybe just to include No in card design?:))

And other important thing to decide is will this be artistic only or working deck?:)))
Because if working uniform look is more recommended and vice versa!:))))

and here is something I did (hopefully I didn’t scramble anything!^^ ;)))
nd we still wait for final template!:)))

Attached files
example card template with marked safe zone borders and uniform symbols

*dont worry if you dont se anything here just save it!:)))

card design example with blending borders and text



btw about text place/size im clueless how it look in RL size so if anyone knows better/ letter size format etc please comment!^^ ;))))

(note I draw my img on safe zone and when finished stick it over card template and edit borders and text;))))))

p.s I’m bad in explaining thing someone probably better to do it instead of me!^^ lolz ;)))


About borders. Here's an example in such low-res that I HOPE no-one will be able to USE it for anything. But you see how the uniform borders work, and how they unify the deck all by themselves. That seems to me to be the direction to go.

(WE did number the cards, but that was a choice we made.)

But all we were told was the size of IMAGE required - the organiser sorted them to fit the available space.


  • 2014 deck lowres.jpg
    2014 deck lowres.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 88


About borders. Here's an example in such low-res that I HOPE no-one will be able to USE it for anything. But you see how the uniform borders work, and how they unify the deck all by themselves. That seems to me to be the direction to go.

Oooooo ~ I like this - a non-white border with the numbers, titles, etc., within said borders and not on top of the artwork - gives the artist complete control of the image within the frame. Cool! :smoker:

Thanks, gregory ....


It has served us well as a pattern for several years now !


i just got fantastic idea!:)))
personaly im more inclined to artdeck becouse that will mean we dont need to decide on more stuff! and instead evrione can draw/name card hoeverlike it!:))
and thats what i think evrione wish to do!:) totaly personalized artistic card no rules! (exept templatesize)
and we need to decide on deck name?:))
that way we can call it "my dream card-read me if you can deck"!:))
(uniform names titles numbering borders etc not important becouse evry artis explaine it in pdf!:)))

p.s gregory sugestion best we get so far!:)))


What's the difference between an artistic deck and a working deck ? None that I can see, except that some decks are so very odd that they are unworkable.

If you tell me that it is to be one or the other- that would make NO difference at all to the card I would create, but it might suggest that as I didn't know what we were talking about, I'd better give up.

Is this deck an art or a working deck ? It was created by a group of ARTISTS, but as a reading deck it works very well.

ETA wouldn't it just be the 5th Aeclectic collaborative deck - in the same way as the other four were named ?


I went through every page....perhaps I need a white stick but I couldn't find anywhere tabling who's doing which card or how to apply to do one if one wanted to.

Have I just missed something?

Edit: OK noticed the thread now. I'll get some thicker glasses.