Taurus Lunar Eclipse


confused newbie.....

if i've got this right, then i have jupiter in the 2nd house opposing the moon . uranus (24 degrees leo) in my 10th opposing chiron in my 4th.

i am starting my own business (internet tarot and shamanistic journeys,) soon. so the 10th and the 2nd houses being focuses make great sense. what about chiron in my 4th. does this mean that my family will be a focus, or that family will oppose my business concerns?


Well, Venus went direct today, the eclipse in taurus (my rising sign) occurred overnight and what happened? I have had such a surge of creativity... its back!! I'm back! (Venus was retro in my 10th house). I can't stop drawing, making art and I received such kudos for my talent today... from a HUGE agency!!!! And...

...my ex called me just "to talk". Our break-up coincided with Venus going backwards (he wanted to get back with an ex, didn't work out.. .as I suspected!). But it was just to talk... Saturn is still retro in my 5th until February. I'm proceeding SLOWLY and keeping the wants/needs of both sides in clear mind. Seriously. So Capricorn seriously... with that dry wit in tow.

What have I learned? Retrogrades bring forth the past or some sort of anti-modern/progressive process (as with Mercury retro... I ALWAYS experience computer headaches!) And when Saturn retroes, oy vey! Restriction and lessons in that house are doubled and patience is tried. Caps are known for their patience, but (in my case) it must be an apparent outward patience... I want to go forward now!! Must be another lesson... time to graduate!

Eclipses bring for me clarity, things magically come to a head, to light. I woke up with such a sense of direction today that it was unreal!



Hi Minderwiz,

I'd appreciate your help. I have a program called Astrowin which tells me that I have Uranus trine Mars in the 10th House at the moment. The 10th House is the vocational area and I'm in a new job at present so this is quite important to me. Does this mean that Mars will be having a special influence on me in the vocational area at present?

I had a forecast some some months ago on www.astro.com which suggested I'd have some challenging times at work in the next month or so. As this is quite a significant job for me and I am a change agent, some insight would be useful.

Am I reading the chart correctly? My birth details incidentally are 19 December 1947 6.00am Melbourne Australia. The book I have is very general and simply suggests that I will be pursuing professional interests and desires at this time,

Many thanks. I understand these analyses take considerable time but I am interested in your comments on the effect of the eclipse in the near future.



Hi Moongold,

I've just entered your details into my AstrolDelux Report Writer - a much upgraded and expanded version of what you have.

Currently you have Mars Transiting your tenth House (which contains Neptune and is ruled by Mercury). Yes Transiting Uranus is trine to transiting Mars but neither aspect your Natal Neptune or your natal Mercury - so apart from possibly feeling a little more assure of yourself in business I don't think that your tenth will be particularly affected.

However the eclipse was virtually inconjunct your Sun and Uranus was sextile your Sun at that time - Your Sun is trine Saturn and in Opposition to Uranus in your natal chart and these energy flows are likely to be affected by the eclipse. Your natal Uranus is in your sixth House, which among other things rules the daily grind of work - your role as an employee. At the time of the eclipse transiting Saturn was in your sixth House had just transited natal Uranus by conjunction, and opposed your natal Sun. As it has turned retrograde it is coming back for another go (and will turn again and retransit these planets.).

I would therefore think that its not career, so much as the daily nature of the job that is getting a working over, and possibly your health as well. Your Sun is in your twelfth House, so it may affect your ability to 'commune with the universe' it may make you restless (through Uranus) and give you a desire to act on sudden impulse of suddenly change - most likely at work. You are probably prone to do this anyway from Natal Uranus, your health may also be subject to sudden changes (and I mean 'may') - most likely issues relating to the throat or mouth. Are you by any chance prone to illness in this area?

As you probably gathered from the above the eclipse will affect you where it touches planets in your natal chart. I've only scratched the surface here but before I go on it might be worth getting your feelings on the matter.


Thanks Minderwiz,

My understanding of the 6th House is that it relates to physical and emotional health and the relationship between them as well as task organization and accomplishment at home and at work, problem solving and practical self care.

I've always had a preference for immediate action but contain it most of the time. In this new position I've been consciously reflective which has been difficult in the face of the pressures and the insistent demand to get things done. One of the joys of getting older is that one develops insight and can choose how to be in this world. I have always found housework a real drudge though, and that has never changed LOL.

For more than 30 years I've had a neurological illness which is well contained but sometimes experience fatigue from that. I also have another health problem called RLS which is restless legs and I laughed out loud when I saw your observation about Uranus and restlessness. Sometimes, Minderwiz, I literally cannot sit still! No other health issues though.

I was born with Uranus in the 6th House and the Sun in the 12th House and I guess the issues attributed to this position astrologically apply through life. I laugh to remember how I've struggled at times with some of them but know those parts of myself reasonably well now and manage it all not too badly. The value of insight! Non-conformity is also one of the gifts of my birth, but that becomes part of life's experience and has brought rewards as well as struggle. Life long cycles of depression, however, but that is also manageable. It is as though one needs the dark to appreciate the light.

The eclipse was just recently? I thought it was about to come. I've struggled with very much with energy levels just lately and would like to know a little more about the effect of the eclipse. You said that the effects are about to return? If you could tell me more, I'd appreciate it.

I am struck once more at the synergies between Tarot and astrology. I am a Wands person, with a mostly fire signs, and that correlates to restlessness and the tendency to action. I prefer to use that phrase than the term impulsiveness LOL.

It's been almost five months since I discovered Tarot and my experience of astrology is much less still. However, it is fascinating. I had quite a bad car accident at the beginning of April and much later looked at the astrological cautions for that day in this little program. One of them was a gentle warning that an accident might occur. It was uncanny. Another uncanny parallel is that as a person with the Sun in the 12th House, I've worked in mental health, the area of addiction and am soon to have something to do with the women in prison. This was all without, until recently, any knowledge of the House characteristics.

Thanks for your time and generosity, Minderwiz.



Thanks for the feedback and again its given me food for thought, so I'll have another ponder over your chart.

Your description of the sixth is fairly accurate - however in health terms General health is ruled by the first, the sixth shows where you are likely to suffer ill health - by planet and sign. My guess at the throat was actually an error, Gemini is on the cusp of the sixth and I should have gone for Nervous problems, or shoulders down the arm to the fingers. Nervous problems being the most likely. I went for Mercury's rulership of the mouth and talking and forgot that Taurus rules the throat.

You are absolutely right to point out that as we grow older we know our strengths and weaknesses and learn to live with them. Astrology, like Tarot is not fated. We can overcome our weaknesses (or at least minimise them) and build on our strengths.


Hi Minderwiz,

By neurological I mean a physical disease of the central nervous system. RLS is also a neurological (physical) thing as well. Clearly I've a vulnerability there. Both have been diagnesed with various clinical tests over long periods of time

In terms of health, I can't see any connection between my health concerns and what is in the chart, at least not using the books I've got available. Uranus is connected with nervous problems and Uranus is very clearly in my 6th House. Perhaps it is simply a matter of interpretation? In this case the word nervous could relate to the physical central nervous system. If this is the case, then there is a very clear link.

A lot of people use the term nervous to mean psychological or emotional but that meaning in this day and age is probably a little outdated.



Hi Moongold

Gemini rules the nervous system - that is the physical nervous system, not 'nerves' in a psychological sense. So it would apply to your health problems as you describe them (I think - but I am not a doctor so I need to be very careful here).

All that the sixth house ruler (in terms of sign) does is indicate vulnerablility, not that you will contract a problem. However, again from your comments I would take it that Gemini on the sixth matches your physical vulnerability. Uranus here would suggest sudden attacks (of the physical problem) accidents, and nervous problems, again compounding the Gemini influence. This would be for probably the duration of the transit of the sixth but especially during its

Now if the eclipse had any affect in this area, through its aspect to Uranus, it would do so as perhaps a temporary worsening of the problem, or intensification of the problem. Given the Saturn transit in your case this would be at its worst (in so far as it shows up at all) when Saturn is transiting Uranus and opposing your Sun (General Health)

I can't (and indeed won't) try to be any more precise because I'm not a doctor and I don't want to hazard guesses about things I know little of. All I can say is that your problems do seem to have an astrological link to your chart.


Thanks, Minderwiz,

That connection is all I am looking for as it again validates the art ( I won't say science) of astrology. I used to be quite a sceptic.

My health is actually not too bad. I have friends with hay fever who are actually more significantly affected by their particular issue.

I was interested in the actual effect of astrological events such as eclipses and transits, thinking that they may result in a decrease or increase, whatever, in energy but that obviously is not what is meant by the term energy.

It seems to mean that the presence of the planets or the actual event have an influence on a person who may alrady have vulnerabilities or talents in a particular area or house .

That probably sounds like an obvious lesson but for those who don't yet know the language it's significant LOL.

Which brings up the whole question of predictive astrology we won't go there today! I have Christine Shaw's Predictive Astrology out from the library but it presupposes a huge anount of basic knowledge.

Best wishes,




Yes, you've about summed it up. The natal chart shows what one Astrologer called the natal promise. Transits, progressions and eclipses will not bring something that is not promised in the chart - they may activate aspects (in both sense of the word) of your personality in a more positive, or more negative way. No amount of favourable transits by Jupiter will make you an outgoing and happy go lucky person if this is not what you are already (and shown in your chart).

No amount of transits or eclipses will bring hapiness to your marriage - though they may enable you to achieve happiness by working on your strengths or dealing with your weaknesses, or indeed re-evaluating what you mean by happiness into a more realistic concept. And of course no amount of transits and eclipses will doom your marriage to failure.

Your natal promise suggests that you are better able to deal with things if you work with some planetary energies and learn to control others - transits, progressions and eclipses indicate periods when the energy (and I can't think of an alternative word) flows in a way in which you are either obstructed or aided in what you seek to achieve - providing that you make the effort. Sometimes things flow better than others.

This might seem like a statement of the obvious but of course its possible to predict Astronomical (and hence Astrological) events and thus be ready for action - or avoid doing somethig till a better time.