looking for inspiration please!


I have my first festival/fayre in 10 days time and have everything nearly ready.

usually I do readings at my leisure either online or face to face in a non-pressured environment. I cannot remember the last time I had only 20 mins to do a reading, but this is what will be expected at the show.

I am prepared to create a quick spread of perhaps 6 - 8 cards for those who have specific issues, but am also aware there will be those who just put their backsides on the stool and ask for a general reading.

Can anyone tell me of a really good spread they could recommend which is different to the Celtic Cross?

Any help or suggestions appreciated!

I'm hoping I can start a client base from this festival so the readings have to be informative enough where they think I'm good and worthy of a follow up, but also not to vague where they go away not really any the wiser.

Thanks in advance



Have you ever tried jmd's Dynamic Hexagramme spread? It's here:


I tried it when he first posted it and for some reason -- maybe I was distracted by other things -- it didn't take for me right away.

But I've recently gone back and tried it again, carefully read what he had to say about it, followed its flow, and read with it several times -- CLICK -- It finally sank into my thick skull, and now I love it!

I sometimes do a variation where I use the spread, with cards off the top of my cut deck, and then pull six more cards from the bottom, and lay them out in the opposite direction under the first six -- right to left versus left to right -- to represent my unconscious. This works great too, but of course it's an exponentially more complex reading that way.

Start with doing it just as jmd says, and you might find you have a favorite new spread. Once you understand this spread, it's easy to remember, which is another thing I love about it. :)