planets lining up

New River

i saw a tiny blurb on the news yesterday saying that 5 of the planets were getting ready to be lined up in the sky. let's see, it was mars, venus, saturn, jupiter and mercury i think. said it's not going to happen again for about 100 yrs.

this seems pretty significant.

does anyone know any more about when it happens and what energy it is bringing?

love, light and hope, New River


I think it would be interesting to find out what would happen if ALL the planets lined up.... What do you think?



the 5 planets won't actually be lining up, but clumping. meaning they will all appear very close together. i believe it will start about the 20th of this month (april). i wrote the peak day on my calender as may 4. they should all be visible to the naked eye in rural areas and with binoculars in brighter areas.


very interesting... in what house are they gathering? I wish I had a telescope!

~ january


wow :O

so what does it mean?



You won’t need a telescope to see these planets. Here is a web site that will show you where in the sky to look and approximately what you will see.
If you have a pair of binoculars and are away from city lights, there is a comet right now that isn’t too far from Mars. The tail of the comet appears to be pointing almost straight up. This comet, Comet Ikeya-Zhang, is moving closer to the sun and will soon be too close to the sun to see. Once it gets on the other side of the sun it will be visible in the morning sky instead of the evening.


Thanks Raeanne, I'm printing out the star maps on the link. I do have a telescope but it's not a very good one! Will try to view this anyhow. Besides , I think you can see all these planets with the naked eye. It looks beautiful even on the star maps!
Didn't the planets line up back in 1993 also?


This is more of an astronomical event, rather than an astrological one because the planets are not all in one sign. Most are in Gemini, but Jupiter is in Cancer, however, close to each other in the sky.

We had a seven planet lineup in Capricorn, I think in January of '93 (all the babies born on those days have seven Cap planets...Wow, lots of little CEO's running around). In November, 1995 we had a five or six planet lineup in Sagittarius.

The end of April into May, Gemini will dominate the ethers and lots of "hot air" will be circulating.

New River

See, A.G., these are just the kind of things that help me soooo much: by the end of april, first of may, a lot of hot air will be circulating......

i find info like this invaluable when it comes to making plans and commitments.

i had heard about this comet too. wasn't able to see it as our skies have been so cloudy lately. but the first thing it made me notice was all the unrest in the mideast now. all the fighting going on.

when the native americans saw a comet in the sky they got all freaked out. i think it was an omen of war to them. does anyone know more about this???

love, light and hope, New River


tecumseh, was born under a comet, in what is now indiana!