What's Your Card . . . and where do you find it?


Did you know that deck of 52 playing cards sitting on a shelf can be related to the calendar and cycles of time? Each day has a card. (see post #19 and #25) Each year is divided into periods of days with a card influence. (see post #56


post #49 and #79 available apps

There are so many layers to this System and I'm no expert, but I'd like to share some basics of the Grand Solar Spread layout and the way the Age/Year charts are made. This first part will be the mechanics of how the cards move and interact with each other.


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OK...I lied....I clicked...:*


Can you make "stickies" ? might be a good way to allow access to the numerous charts...the "static" kinda charts....


Life Path - Queen of Hearts

To see your Life Path Chart, you find the card for your birthday and then record the 12 cards following it to the Left and down.

Example: Dec 19 ~ Q:heart:

This card is in the lower left square (#49)

Q:heart: ~ Sun aka Birth card
10:club: ~ Mercury goes up to the top row, squares 50-52)
8:diamond: ~ Venus
K:spade: ~ Mars
3:heart: ~ Jupiter next row, beginning in square #1
A:club: ~ Saturn
Q:club: ~ Uranus
10:spade: ~ Neptune
5:club: ~ Pluto **this is where the inclusion & terminology varies between authors
3:diamond: ~ Bacchus
A:spade: ~ Vulcan
7:heart: ~ Moon next row, beginning in square #8
7:diamond: ~ Earth

The next thing I do is see how many are the same suit or number.

3 hearts, 4 clubs, 3 diamonds, 3 spades
two each: Queen, 10, 3, Ace, 7


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cardlady22 said:
To see your Life Chart, you find the card for your birthday and then record the 12 cards following it to the Left and down.

Example: Dec 19 ~ Q:heart:

This card is in the lower left square (#49)

Q:heart: 10:club: 8:diamond: K:spade: 3:heart: A:club: Q:club: 10:spade: 5:club: 3:diamond: A:spade: 7:heart: 7:diamond:

The next thing I do is see how many are the same suit or number.

3 hearts, 4 clubs, 3 diamonds, 3 spades
two each: Queen, 10, 3, Ace, 7
SORRY...eating right now...:(


Hi cardlady and stormy :)

Cardlady, I've been muddling along, trying to understand this, but still a tad confused. Thanks for the email, I'll have another look later with a cup of tea :)


As your birthday happens, you change to a new position/square on the GSS. So, you would need to get your Current Age/Year chart and compare.

Let's say our Q:heart: is 25. Now she is located in the lower middle square #46. Don't worry about the 2 small cards underneath each larger one for now.

Q:heart: ~ Sun
5:club: ~ Mercury
10:heart: ~ Venus
9:spade: ~ Mars
7:heart: ~ Jupiter up to the top row, squares 50-52
K:diamond: ~ Saturn
K:spade: ~ Uranus
Q:diamond: ~ Neptune next row down, square #1
2:heart: ~ Pluto **these following may be named differently according to author
9:diamond: ~ Bacchus
K:heart: ~ Vulcan
Q:club: ~ Moon
8:diamond: ~ Earth

There are two main ways to divide the year:
*13 periods of 28 days each ~ uses all the cards
*7 periods of 52 days each ~ uses the 2nd through 8th cards

I like to grab a cheap 2-year pocket calendar & count off my day periods- jotting in the relevant card as they change. **see post #56


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Hello, Lutestring! For this part, I'm just focused on finding a specific card & the appropriate direction to follow when reading from the Spread. The cards underneath are just extra data.


Exceptions: 7 special cards

Now, due to the Quadration process that produces these 90 layouts, an interesting phenomenon occurs. There are 3 cards that do not move from their square. They are Fixed. There are two pairs of cards that switch places back & forth each year- like a seesaw/teeter-totter. They are Alternating.

Fixed: K:spade: 8:club: J:heart:

Alternating: 2:heart:/A:club: and 9:heart:/7:diamond:



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