An Animal Tarot Deck - black and white fantasy


I'm a fan of black and white, and animals, and I think this is great! Well done you, really good images, the fish swimming in the ace of cups for example :)

Will you hope to publish? Put me on the list :)


Thanks, everyone :). Judgement was based on the whole idea of rebirth and the phoenix, and I'm glad that you like it! I am hoping to publish, but I don't know anything about how to go about doing so. I also don't know whether I'll have enough motivation to go through with the rest of the deck, given that it's taken a year to get this far.

I do about one card per week if I'm lucky, so after that four week break here's the next group of four.


They're great ! I love Death (my favourite card in general...)


A PLATYPUS! I love that :love:


They're beautiful, I absolutely love them :heart: What an incredible talent you have there.


I'm loving the black and white aspect, my favourite... the hanged one! :D

irisa :)


The black and white is certainly drawing my eye also. I love the owl in The Chariot!


Very nice cards. I'm really drawn to your knight of cups!!! :)


Good to see you again. And the new cards. Very nice! :thumbsup: