My Tarot Creation One Card At A Time


Hellooo Members,

I have just been given a great idea by one the members here to open up a new thread and post my cards as and when they are created and to also give you my input about the cards So today I am posting the Ace Of Cups.
To be honest this art piece didn't start off life as tarot card, but I couldn't help but see how much the Ace of Cups that was showing in that card. The card started as a glass chalice, the gold colour came much later when I wanted to warm up the drawing a little bit, I put in the gold colour but I also wanted to keep the transparent look to the cup. The Gothic Moon Tarot Cards are based on a gothic look so you will see a theme throughout the cards, the moon, ravens and skulls. I wanted to keep my cards not as a clone but as a variant to the RWS, meaning I will be keeping to the traditional cups, wands, swords and pentacles, of course in my own style.
I have kept the same traditional elements of the ace of cups as you see in the RWS decks. The cup itself, the water over spilling and of course the water around the cup. Each of the cards will have a moon phase that will coincide with the RWS meaning.I did some research on moon phases and found that it is believed that the phases have a magical significance especially around the wiccan religion. so for example as in the ace of cups we know that the traditional meaning is something new, something in its infancy and beginning stage, new emotions, a waxing moon phase in that card was very fitting.

I am creating around 2-3 cards per week so please stay tuned :)


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I was hoping you'd mention the moon cycles and how you related them to the cards!
Thank you very much for this.

I like your mention of Wicca. When I read about the moon cycles being on the cards I thought about Wicca too and magick/ Spellcasting as a whole.

Are you into magick or Spellcasting yourself?


Well I never done any spell casting but it is an interest of mine. As for the moon I have always had a connection with the moon and find myself always wanting to draw it, a moon always ends up in my artwork lol.


Justice Card

Nearly done with the Justice Card, little bit more to do. I kept this card simple with the key elements, the scales and the sword. I choose a Full Moon for this card


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Death card

I created some fonts and card designs I think I am liking this one


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Decided on this one


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Please keep your threads here updated. Some of us backers don't do facebook....


Will do, will post some updates tomorrow. I need to stop assuming everyone does FaceBook :)


Will do, will post some updates tomorrow. I need to stop assuming everyone does FaceBook :)
I am TOLD that facebook has started to lose people. Don't know how true that is...

You WILL make contact with all us backers who filled in your contact form, I hope (I just did !)


Not sure about the Facebook thing but yes I have already made contact with quite of the backers. I just checked my emails did you use the contact form or the subscribe form?