Predictions didn't come true AT ALL, now having a crisis of Faith in the Tarot..


So, you are blaming your Tarot decks and now you have punished them ... ? :confused:


no no no it is not like that lol!11 i love my tarot cards to death!! but to me it is more of a psychological connection if that makes sense so when i do that its like im letting go of my own negative energies, psychologically. and my special deck didnt want to be for anyone else so i floated in in the river, and cried over it mind

Holly doll

maybe, you never know do you!! the cards have so many meanings. I am sitting here with a notebook thinking over everything that has happened this year and trying to figure out what it is I really want. I come up with so many happy, positive things that put me in another better state of mind, and I realised that when thats what Im thinking of and wanting to attract, that guy doesn't come anywhere close to it. When I step outside all the fear and negativity I don't like his energy; he is rude and kind of sleazy, trying to flirt with other girls and show off when his girlfriend is standing 5 feet away. I don't want that kind of person in my life when I'm in a good mood. I met someone last week who hasn't been in touch but he was gorgeous (physically, an abercrombie and finch model!!) and he was sweet and shy. That is the kind of guy I want in my life, not this one. I am going to focus on elevating my life and my state to attract happier, positive things. I expect that if I do this my desire for this other guy (the bad one) will keep fading away

Your reader perhaps needed some boundary work for themselves - 12 times...?!
When we place our hopes, dreams & expectations in others hands - readers, potential partners, partners - we run the risk of losing our perspective - which is what happened for you.

It wasn't the decks fault - it never is...

I agree with dancing moons interpretation

Happier times will be ahead for you <smile>



I was in love with one of my colleagues so I got professional tarot reading done by the same reader like 12 times. The readings started off as pointing to a meaningless fling then as we got closer it started to say he was going to fall for me, pursue me etc.

The other day I found out he has a girlfriend so my whole tarot beliefs came crashing down. Also he was kind of rude to me about my love life. It is painful knowing the future with him that the Tarot predicted will not come to pass, I think what's even more painful is that it's thrown my trust in the Tarot into disarray.

I went to the reader who'd done my cards and she said the reason it didn't work out was because the cards were merely showing what could happen if I stayed at my job, based on the current energies at the time of the reading. But becos I recently changed my mind and decided to quit, it changed the possible future. I don't know what to believe. Part of me thinks she is right, but if so that doesn't really explain the girlfirend? I didn't ask how long they'd been together but it doesn't seem likely they got together as soon as I changed my mind, and me changing my mind made him get together with someone else!? Another part of me thinks the cards started telling me what I wanted to hear, either to comfort me as I was going through a v. difficult time and needed some hope to cling onto, or to punish me for asking about him again and again.

I feel lost and like I have no Tarot to turn was like a best friend but I don't trust it at the moment..if it was all wrong about this how can I trust it when it tells me about other things..?

please help

There are a number of things to consider here. First yes, readings about the future can only predict the future you are heading towards at the exact moment in time the reading was done. That future can change as you saw in the way the readings started off showing one future that morphed into another.

Next unless, the cards gave you a precise date, this person having a girlfriend now, does not mean necessarily that the predicted future will not happen. They could very well break up and the future predicted may still come true. Just because he has a girlfriend now does not necessarily mean he will have one forever and ever. Relationships end at times, even marriages end at times. I have one myself which ended.

So the fact that he has a girlfriend right at this moment in time, does not necessarily mean that he will not pursue you in the future. Maybe even years from now if that is what the cards saw. But then there's the question of why he was rude to you about your love life and if you want to be in a relationship with someone who would talk to you that way. It is also possible that for some reason he needs to be in the relationship right now, that it will teach him something he needs to know so that he can be more respectful to you later.

You can never say never when it comes to the future. Just because something is not working now does not mean that it never will.

What your reader said has some validity too. Any change you make on your end can change the future. Eg if you left your job that could change your future with him. But on the other hand, since you had a series of reading by this reader, it is also equally likely that the cards could have foreseen that you would leave the job and have factored that into the equation.

And last but not least, here is my best advice for tonight. Instead of using the cards to predict the future, they can also be used to help create the future you want. You don;'t have to just use the cards to ask what will happen. You can tell your cards you want to arrive at such and such a place in the future and then ask what steps you can take that will take you there. And take them. I find that a much better use of readings on the future, to use the cards to create what you want instead of just hoping that what you want will happen.

Not that I am saying to try and break up an existing relationship, as that is not likely to lead to good karma, but there is still a lot more we can do with the cards that just predicting the future, including asking them how to best heal any painful feelings you feel. Which might be a good place to start right now for you.

Also, just to add in, it is my firm belief that everything always works out on the very best way in the end. When something is not working as we hope right now, it's life protecting us because there is something wrong that would prevent it form happening. Sometimes that means that the timing is not right, sometimes it means we are asking for something which is not in our best interest but we cannot for ourselves see why, But I do believe that all works out for the best in the end. And that you will see why you are where you are and why you need to be there, in time.

As for Tarot, it is an amazing thing. It's uses are pretty much infinite.



There are a number of things to consider here. First yes, readings about the future can only predict the future you are heading towards at the exact moment in time the reading was done. That future can change as you saw in the way the readings started off showing one future that morphed into another.

Next unless, the cards gave you a precise date, this person having a girlfriend now, does not mean necessarily that the predicted future will not happen. They could very well break up and the future predicted may still come true. Just because he has a girlfriend now does not necessarily mean he will have one forever and ever. Relationships end at times, even marriages end at times. I have one myself which ended.

So the fact that he has a girlfriend right at this moment in time, does not necessarily mean that he will not pursue you in the future. Maybe even years from now if that is what the cards saw. But then there's the question of why he was rude to you about your love life and if you want to be in a relationship with someone who would talk to you that way. It is also possible that for some reason he needs to be in the relationship right now, that it will teach him something he needs to know so that he can be more respectful to you later.

You can never say never when it comes to the future. Just because something is not working now does not mean that it never will.

What your reader said has some validity too. Any change you make on your end can change the future. Eg if you left your job that could change your future with him. But on the other hand, since you had a series of reading by this reader, it is also equally likely that the cards could have foreseen that you would leave the job and have factored that into the equation.

And last but not least, here is my best advice for tonight. Instead of using the cards to predict the future, they can also be used to help create the future you want. You don;'t have to just use the cards to ask what will happen. You can tell your cards you want to arrive at such and such a place in the future and then ask what steps you can take that will take you there. And take them. I find that a much better use of readings on the future, to use the cards to create what you want instead of just hoping that what you want will happen.

Not that I am saying to try and break up an existing relationship, as that is not likely to lead to good karma, but there is still a lot more we can do with the cards that just predicting the future, including asking them how to best heal any painful feelings you feel. Which might be a good place to start right now for you.

Also, just to add in, it is my firm belief that everything always works out on the very best way in the end. When something is not working as we hope right now, it's life protecting us because there is something wrong that would prevent it form happening. Sometimes that means that the timing is not right, sometimes it means we are asking for something which is not in our best interest but we cannot for ourselves see why, But I do believe that all works out for the best in the end. And that you will see why you are where you are and why you need to be there, in time.

As for Tarot, it is an amazing thing. It's uses are pretty much infinite.


That is excellent advice!! I can see some truth in it as well as he seems to like me even though he is currently attached. So who knows. But at the same time like you said do I really want someone with that energy in my life..also do I really want to live my life like a parasite reliant on the lol. I am going to try your suggestion to use the cards to ask them advice on what to do to get to what I want..just got to figure out what it is I really want lol..and I will get advice off another reader who is less close the situation, and won't read for myself as I need a break from it.

Thank you for you advice, it has really helped. I would have thought too that the cards would have foreseen me leaving my job; a reading after I already decided to leave even said he'd come to me so it doesn't seem useful if the cards can't pick up on that, especially even after I've decided to leave if that makes sense.



I am going to try your suggestion to use the cards to ask them advice on what to do to get to what I want..just got to figure out what it is I really want lol..

In the meantime (until you figure out what you want) why don't you use the cards to ask them advice on what you NEED not what you want ?

Holly doll

In the meantime (until you figure out what you want) why don't you use the cards to ask them advice on what you NEED not what you want ?

Great distinction!! Many get confused - for instance - you might WANT a red ferrari - when you NEED a safe & reliable car to get you from A to B.


. . . I gave 2 decks to charity and a special deck I dropped in the river as it was more respectful I felt. . . . I dropped them near some friendly-looking ducks.

Oh, dear. How was that respectful? Reading something like this really irks me. It certainly wasn't respectful of the river! Nor the ducks! If you're having a bad day, why take it out on the environment?


Just a thought, but if you're not sure yet what you want, you could ask the cards something like which path that you could take would bring you the most joy and fulfillment. They may even tell you not to have so many readings, who knows?

And yes it seems t me too that its unlikeky that your leaving the job is thevonly reason the reading did not come true (IF it did not), given that a reading done after you had decided to showed the same result.

BTW does anyone know what that little talking face icon is or does next to edit and quote??? Just noticed it for the first time.



BTW does anyone know what that little talking face icon is or does next to edit and quote??? Just noticed it for the first time.

It's for multi-quoting. If you want to quote several people in one message, you click on that button in each of their posts, and then go down to the bottom and click on Post Reply. Your new message will then contain the text of all the posts you quoted.