what crystal do you use?


My go-to pain killer stone is Amethyst. Its energy is so effective for me, sometimes when I'm having pain and I either haven't got an Amethyst with me, or I'm in a situation where I can't haul out a stone, I strongly visualize amethyst energy surrounding the painful area, and that helps.

I have chronically sore knees (injury history) and hands (as most of my work is hand-intensive: typing, using sign language, or making jewelry). Sometimes the weather or a period of over-use will make the soreness really act up. The visualization technique is really helpful at those times when it's just impossible to make use of a physical stone. So once you find the stone(s) that work best for you, memorize that energy signature so you can mentally reproduce it as needed.

Also, take a stroll through the "cleansing with sound" thread. Some of the links that I have included for producing sounds might be of use to you. There are tones to balance chakras (which will help get various parts of the body, including the reproductive system, in line) and I believe that iso-tones.com has tones to help ease pain and migraines. In fact, here is the page with the links to the free sound tones (including female health and headache relief): http://iso-tones.com/index.php/tones/miscellaneous

And, of course, I can't help but mention that making sure you've had a word with your doctor about the symptoms might prove helpful. You and the doc might be able to come up with some remedies that will knock those symptoms right out. I finally found relief from migraines when I got a prescription (I believe the generic name is sumotriptan). I greatly regret persisting too long with OTC remedies before finally seeing the doctor about the migraines. What a difference that prescription made!

Good luck! And let us know what solutions are working well for you.