5 of stones in quest


Can anyone help me understand this card in the quest cards? I just got this deck and am learning it


When I have a deck with slightly unconventional suit names (and I do LOL), I try to post the Rider-Waite equivalent whenever possible, so that people can at least get a general sense of what I am referring to -- especially when asking for interpretation help.

Also...you may want to do a thread search based on the RW equivalent to see if one has already been discussed. For example, if Stones in your deck is equivalent to Pentacles, then do a search for 5 of Pentacles.

If it hasn't already been discussed, then someone will answer you. ;)



The Quest is Thoth based I think so Rider-Waite-Smith keywords won't necessarily work with it.

There is a Quest Study Group but unfortunately the 5 of Stones hasn't been covered:http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=26635

How about using the number and element? Think what the number 5 means (those numerology threads in the Divination forum should help: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=11533 ).
Think about the earth element and combine that with the meanings for the number 5.

I would also advise you to study the image carefully and see what you get from that... It's a tarot card after all and the meaning is meant to be right there in the image.
I find it helps to write down what I see.
Start by describing the card and see how you go from there.

You could also have a look at the threads in The Thoth forum rather than trying to fit a RWS meaning to it.


tryingtoreadtarot said:
Can anyone help me understand this card in the quest cards? I just got this deck and am learning it

I have this deck also. The 5 of stones, BTW, for those who do not have this deck is the same as the 5 of pentacles. good point made by afrosaxon, to identify in the ever popular suit what the unusually named cards are. Also, a good point to check out what the 'typical' RWS meaning is, if you are having difficulty in interpreting it.

Fives, as you know, can represent challenges and problems for the client. And, since stones/pentacles are those things we hold dear, important and valuable to us, it can represent money, material things we own, or even our health. anything needed for our health and well being, basically.

If you turned this card over and it is upright, I would see it as a loss of some sort-whether it is in the form of monies, or your health, or property, (car, home, or other items). It can also signify business troubles, health troubles, and not 'actual' loss. for instance, if you come down with a cold. to better understand what it is referring to, you'd have to see what the cards around this card. Also, the position of all the cards.

If you turned this card over & it is reversed, I'd read it as getting a handle on something that may have been threatened. Getting your brakes fixed on the car, though you did not have an accident, you just knew time was near and put the car into the shop before you experienced any problems. this type of thing. It can also point to things beginning to pay off for you- your employment, relationships, health, etc.

do you have the book that was written on this deck? If not, it is well worth looking into purchasing it. Also, Joseph Martin has a website on his deck as well. You can find that by googling "Quest Tarot". It is also well done and should help you in learning this deck.

I'm still getting use to this deck myself. I can see that it is an excellent deck, but one that requires alot of practice by the reader. There is so much covered in this one deck--so many things that can be revealed in a reading, it's uncanny! It has so far served me very well, though I am still learning all that it has to offer. good luck with it tryingtoreadtarot.

ahhh! more great advice from Sulis! thank you, Sulis. I, too, will access those threads you spoke of.


The Quest Deck is my first reading choice...I think it's honest and hard-hitting, and that is the one I read with most of the time now.

That said, I sometimes feel that Martin is a bit too rigid in his book of meanings for his cards (for my taste), and I often bring other things to them than he may have intended (like numerology) in order to enhance--or even challenge--what he has written.

Also, his images are rather stark...and the Five of Stones is a good example. There isn't much to see on this card but the five lonely stones; so, it may not help you as much with intuitive reading as you might like.

I am glad I had a lot of experience with RWS-based decks before ever picking up the Quest, though. I don't think I would have stuck with it if I were a real beginner.


starrystarrynight said:
I often bring other things to them than he may have intended (like numerology) in order to enhance--or even challenge--what he has written.
Yes, I must say, I do too. But I do this with all my decks, actually.

starrystarrynight said:
Also, his images are rather stark...and the Five of Stones is a good example. There isn't much to see on this card but the five lonely stones; so, it may not help you as much with intuitive reading as you might like.
again, i agree. this is definately a deck that isn't one to read intuitively, IMO. however, it is a very thorough deck and gives great readings, once you are able to understand all the symbolism in this deck.

starrystarrynight said:
I am glad I had a lot of experience with RWS-based decks before ever picking up the Quest, though. I don't think I would have stuck with it if I were a real beginner.
again, i agree here with you. i do reach for this deck often though, as I'm intrigued with it. but every now and again, i like to read intuitively, so grab a different deck for that. it's a great deck to learn, but not one I'd recommend to a beginner.


I have great difficulty relating the book meanings and keywords on the cards to the images so I pretty much only read this deck intuitively. Most of the time I don't pick up from the card what the author indicates it was designed to mean.

The deck is Haindl based (which I believe is based on Thoth) so RWS meanings aren't necessarily relevant.

The book definitions do relate to the keyword on the card. Reversed meaning is pretty much the exact opposite of the keyword.

With regards to the Five of Stones, the color on the card is mostly grey which I would relate to the starkness of lack of material things (Material Difficulty). Stones do correlate to Pentacles in other decks.


Stunning Deck. Here's the deck's homepage where we can see the card images:

They seem to be Thoth bias, but not totally Thoth based. For example, Strength is "Strength" and not "lust" and is numbered at 8 with Justice at 11--that's RW, not Thoth. Yet there's Aeon instead of Judgement, Alchemy instead of Temperance, and 6/Swords is "science." That's Thoth, as are the court cards male-female balancing out of mother-father, and daughter-son.

For all that, a lot of the definitions for the cards seem to be similar to RW and not that different. 2/Cups is Love, 6/Wands as victory, etc.

Here's an excellent review of the deck:

I'm a little mystified as why "tryingtoread" is having such trouble though. The image isn't very helpful, true. But the deck tells you the card meaning at the bottom: "Material difficulty." Given this, I'm not sure, exactly, what is confusing. Are you having difficulty relating that interpretation to where the card turned up in a spread?


celticnoodle said:
again, i agree. this is definately a deck that isn't one to read intuitively, IMO. however, it is a very thorough deck and gives great readings, once you are able to understand all the symbolism in this deck.
I know! What I don't understand is why I get such powerful and stunning (sometimes) readings from this deck!? (Because I tend to read intuitively.)

zannamarie said:
I have great difficulty relating the book meanings and keywords on the cards to the images so I pretty much only read this deck intuitively. Most of the time I don't pick up from the card what the author indicates it was designed to mean.
Yeah, but zanna, don't you intuit the card before you even turn it over? (I am in awe of the way you are able to do that...) But that would make the image on the deck less important to your reading, wouldn't it?

Thireen said:
They seem to be Thoth bias, but not totally Thoth based. For example, Strength is "Strength" and not "lust" and is numbered at 8 with Justice at 11--that's RW, not Thoth. Yet there's Aeon instead of Judgement, Alchemy instead of Temperance, and 6/Swords is "science." That's Thoth, as are the court cards male-female balancing out of mother-father, and daughter-son.

For all that, a lot of the definitions for the cards seem to be similar to RW and not that different. 2/Cups is Love, 6/Wands as victory, etc.
Yes, it is almost a cross between the two systems.


Again, I love this deck, even if I can't put my finger on why I do. I guess it just has never lied to me! :D (Even if I didn't want to hear what it said.)

A note to tryingtreadtarot: In my own experience, I found it better to stick with one deck (mine was the RWS) for at least a year or two--until I could read with it fluently--before moving onto or trying out other decks. The thing is, you can get a good read with anything as long as you trust it, but trust takes time.


starrystarrynight said:
Yeah, but zanna, don't you intuit the card before you even turn it over? (I am in awe of the way you are able to do that...) But that would make the image on the deck less important to your reading, wouldn't it?
Sometimes I do intuit before turning over, but I also intuit from the image on the card separately from what I get before turning over the card. If I'm reading using cards, the card images are just as important as what I get prior to looking at them.

I haven't quite gotten to the point of reading without cards (or cookies or rocks :D). Maybe I'll make that a 2008 goal. ;)