Spot the Deck Creator


The creator of the Archeon Tarot is the... King of Cups, if I remember right.

Thank you for telling your story, Rachel, may it bring healing and strength to others.


I am in Bonefire. The 8 of Coins.
I imagine this would be the card picked by many Tarot artists as it precisely describes work going well. The view is actually of my back and I am wearing my favourite blue jumper, which is actually as significant in the card as myself. The card is a minor arcana representation of Magician energy which carried me from inception to completion of the deck.
I hesitated before putting myself in the deck, as I risked causing a distraction in a reading, but decided this would affect only my own readings.
I painted my back view, not to hide my face, but rather, at this time I was so absorbed in my work, this was the view I was presenting to the world, a kind of 'do not disturb' vibe.


Eileen Connolly is the Empress in the Connolly Tarot. And I believe that Anna is the lady featured in all the Anna K cards...? I don't have the deck but I am sure I read that somewhere...

I believe also that DJ Conway and Lisa Hunt both appear in their decks - (shapeshifters, Dragon, Fairy Tale).

The artist of the Connolly deck appears himself on 'The Star' card as well and he still looks the same nowadays. I believe there are many members of the family throughout the deck.
