Skeptics Partners or other loved ones


Just give him time to get used to it. My first husband would have been scared to death and would have burned the cards before my eyes swearing I was trying to cast a spell on him lol, he was slightly controlling! That's why I left him and was single for 20+ years.

My current husband of 15 years is very spiritual. He knows about my cards, never would show any interest (but then he never shows interest in any other of my hobbies like quilting). He's not bothered by it, just not really interested. We do play golf together and like the same movies (mostly) lol. He would never ask for a reading, but I do have tarot cards and tarot books on tables where he sees them.

Now, my sisters are another story!! Two of them think it is evil, scary, possibly devil worship,
their churches are very vocal against it. So I don't discuss it with them! My mother and children are OK with it.

When I was in my early teens I would drive my grandmother to an old house with no electricity (she never learned to drive and we lived in a rural area). I sat scared to death in a pitch black car while she went in to talk to the lady.

She told me twice that a spell had been placed and the woman could remove it for money. As young and inexperienced as I was I still knew this was wrong and I would tell her so. I remember my aunt using tarot cards.

Now another sister (I have 5 lol) lets me 'practice' on her, says she doesn't really believe in tarot, but not afraid of it. This one told me a story of a family still living in the woods today that places spells on people that 'cross' them. I'm still trying to find out who they are lol!!

I have always been extremely sensitive and could use the Ouija board by myself as a child. Automatic writing came to me in my early twenties. I don't discuss it with others because I have never received psychic messages for others, just myself. I don't think it would make me very popular here in my small hometown, deep in the Southern Bible Belt. My spiritual group that meets weekly is Ok with tarot.

I appreciate having this forum with open minded people.


Not exactly a picture of someone who sits around watching bunnies hop around in a meadow, IMHO.

I myself think the same thing about most religious organizations, and while I am open minded about some things I am closed minded about others. It has nothing to do with bunnies, and I was pointing out that until Dara cleared it up, people were already making assumptions about him being controlling and abusive. One person took the word evil as proof while another took "lets me." In trying to prove the opposite this thread has almost proved the boyfriend's point.

Honestly, I would expect more from Tarot readers who's whole job is filling in the dots.


When I recently started my Tarot journey, my partner wasn't the least bit interested, tolerant, but disinterested. I think he thought it was a hobby that would peter out. He doesn't believe in anything outside of what he can see and understand, which is fine. I practised on his son doing a reading, after which my partner never made a comment.

A few weeks later, some friends came round, saw the cards and desperately wanted me to do a reading for them. My partner started freaking out (which really shocked me) saying I'd done this reading for his son, how accurate it turned out to be, and there is no way he's going to let me do a reading for him. He rambled on about it for about 5 minutes. So all this time, I thought he thought it was a load of baloney, yet it seems he's actually scared of it. I asked him a couple of nights ago if he'd change his stance and let me do a reading on him so I can practise, and he basically said, no way.

The funny thing is, I showed him a couple of cards and asked him what he thought they meant, and he was amazing in his off the top of his head intuition. I was astounded (and a bit annoyed that I don't seem to pick it up as easily as he found it just looking at the cards). I told him he should be doing the Tarot instead of me. So he leaves me to do my thing ...


For myself,
My boyfriend was totally closed minded- just thought tarot was a big scam and waste of money.
However, my boyfriend knew that I was very interested and decided to buy me a deck as a gift- but still didn't believe it.
My first reading was for him, I did a three card reading and I got the devil card for his past- I told him this represented his addiction (before meeting me). He was a bit spooked, but didn't believe me. So I reshuffled and drew three new cards- and lo and behold, the devil card popped up again.
Since then he's believed me.

My parents and siblings are different, they're a little scared of it and whenever I offer they politely refuse. Or they tell me that they're worried, they think tarot works like a Ouija and I might contact with a force that might be too heavy for me.
I just don't bother reeducating them because I can see it turning into an argument.

But I'm glad my boyfriend now has a interest.


Both I and my SO are atheists and skeptics, so he was a bit amused when I first picked up tarot as a hobby (after I explained to him that tarot can be used for more than just telling the future). We've been together long enough that we're fine with letting each other have our unusual hobbies without being too concerned about it (I didn't complain when he built a makeshift loom on the back of a chair!). Also he's appreciative that this is a relatively inexpensive hobby. Over time his history-buff side has actually become intrigued by tarot, so sometimes we'll discuss the physical and spiritual history of the tarot which is quite fun. He's never asked for a reading and I've never done one for him, which is perfectly fine by me--to be honest I think I know him too well to really be able to do an accurate reading for him, which for me would require a certain degree of detachment.


I have a partner that is very closed minded to many things and I have accepted that about most things. In fact we align very differently politically and what not, which I knew about from the beginning of our relationship.

However when I got into tarot recently, his reaction to it was a bit disheartening. He is a total non-believer, thinks its a waste of my time, and even may be evil. I tried to talk to him about it, telling him that I don't use it to tell the future and only use it to gain insight about the current state of affairs in peoples lives so that we can reflect and guide ourselves. He's still is very skeptically. He hasn't interfered with me learning tarot or anything. He lets me do it because it makes me happy. But I still feel uneasy that he may be judging me.

Has anyone else dealt with skeptic loved ones... family members, close friends, or partners?

I don't think this is an issue that will break us up or anything, but I do want to know how people go about addressing this or if they have advice about this matter.

Thanks y'all.

Oh yes. My husband was the same way about tarot and anything that related to divining. He knew from the get go that my family was a family of psychics--even his own maternal gm was a psychic from childhood. His gm became terrified of her abilities when at a very young age, she saw in a dream and predicted her young brothers death. After that experience, she turned it off (or tried to) for good. Her abilities and fears were passed on to her daughter, my hubs mom. I feel like in his case it was his fear of the known or unknown--and a fear that was taught to him because of his gm experience.

It didn't make it any easier for me however. He was such a pia about it that I made sure I never used my tarot cards around him, because the energy in the air would just change due to his thoughts, and I just didn't want to deal with it.

Then, one day, we were shopping together and a customer of mine whom I had done a reading for came up to me to let me know what I predicted came true. She was so excited and went on and on--much to my glee and embarrassment. My husband was sort of dumbfounded. He was a bit uncomfortable there as well--and I'm sure perplexed. But, he thought about it and all of a sudden began to ask me to read HIS cards! I did so, and read about what may come to be for him regarding things at work--and when it did happen the way I read, he began to loosen up and was more comfortable with it.

Now, he doesn't mind any of it at all--has completely changed his mind, and encourages me with it. He even has a stack of my business cards that he keeps at work, in his car and in his wallet to pass out to others if/when the person seems like or mentions their interest in such things. :bugeyed:

took years to get to this point. And, a lot of patience--on both parts I guess.

Don't try to change your partner. Just keep doing what you are interested in and encourage him to do what he is interested in. Just because you are partners, it doesn't mean you need to do EVERYTHING together. Its healthy to have other interests--separate from one another. I'm not into kayak camping or backpack camping like my husband--but I don't keep him from doing it himself. I'm glad he has his separate interests and I have mine. Its what keeps our relationship happy and healthy. Pursue your activities and give him time. He may or may not ever change his opinion--but its healthy for you each to have separate interests and shared interests.


For myself,
My boyfriend was totally closed minded- just thought tarot was a big scam and waste of money.
However, my boyfriend knew that I was very interested and decided to buy me a deck as a gift- but still didn't believe it.

Ooooh ! Where do I get one of those !

Ravenests new girlfriend : "No I dont like all that martial arts stuff you do ... but, here is your Christmas present. " ;

Now THAT'S a girlfriend (or boyfriend) !


Well, there are all kinds of couples. I once knew a couple who were very happy together... as long as one of them was lead on a leash like a dog. })

People just make it work. :)

When I recently started my Tarot journey, my partner wasn't the least bit interested, tolerant, but disinterested.

Just a pet peeve of mine... "disinterested" means neutral, as in not being invested in an outcome. A judge, for example, must be disinterested. A lack of interest is "uninterested."