Dog as "copycat"?


Yep :) faithful to the method, faithful to a principle (even though a warped one) - literally, "trying to stay true to the crimes committed by his inspiration". We say "copying faithfully", don't we.

When they described him as "trying to stay true to the crimes committed by his inspiration" (or something like that), it occurred to me that it could be an interpretation of the Dog.

... I suppose, in the same vein, dog could refer to a photocopier!


House: Local or territorial.

Dog: Friendly, approachable, someone that looked to be trusted.

The woman he stabbed 100 times took a smoke from him - so he wouldn't have come across as being dangerous or about to kill her.

And some of his later victims he was able to access their belongings to check for birth dates before killing his 12 zodiac signs.

I don't see DOG as copycating although it is indeed loyal and faithful which he was to his religious beliefs and convictions on who should die. And he had this appreciation for Bundy and the ZODIAC. The ZODIAC, however, he had more in common with based on religion.

WHIP as it is repetitive could be about repeating something over and over like a copycat.

Dog is loyal, approachable, and faithful which he was, but it doesn't mean being a copycat. :)

Yes, that's the one who was the subject of the Forensic Files episode I was watching.

Are you saying you think the Dog came up in the spread because of him being territorial?