Favorite spread for specific questions


Hello! My question for you all today is what spread you guys like to use for specific questions, such as "what will happen if I... " or "how will X react if I... " I'm still very new to the tarot so I've been practicing on my roommate and friends mostly and they tend to have specific questions like that. So far I only really used the celtic cross and occasionally the 3 card ppf spread but I usually only use that if I don't have a lot of time to do a full reading. What spread do you like to use to give someone a clear direct answer?



You are halfway to a useful reading by having phrased the questions in an open-ended fashion, thus allowing the tarot to do what it does better and offer a variety of options and potential mental triggers for the reader and querent alike.

Personally, if I have a decent amount of time with a querent, I compose a spread for them on the spot; I prefer my own creations to most previously published spreads. You can do this, too, by remembering one rule: A spread is a series of positions that each answer a specific question.

What this means is that you can compose a very basic spread tailored to your querent's needs by simply writing down each of their questions and drawing a card for each one.


The querent tells you: "I want to know if JJ and I will go out, what JJ thinks about me; you know, if we have a future together."

Take a piece of paper and write down:

1- Energies surrounding a possible dating relationship between JJ and ___
2- Insight into JJ's opinion about _____
3- Possible outcome of JJ and ___ beginning a dating relationship

You now have a spread, my friend. And it answers the specific questions your querents want answered (note how I rephrased them to remove the Yes/No factor, which is limiting to a tool with such broad scope as the tarot has).


Thank you!

Well that's interesting, I never really considered the idea of making my own spread since I'm still learning, but it doesn't seem all that intimidating after all. Thanks for the input! :)


You're quite welcome. Making your own spreads is merely a matter of being very clear about what questions you want answered. It doesn't matter what formation you choose to put the cards into (star, cross, straight row, etc); that's all just gravy.

Making a list of questions and drawing a card for each one is how you will ensure, every time, that your querent's questions get answered with total specificity and satisfaction.

If you don't mind doing so, go ahead and post here the first spread you make to answer your friends' questions.


I'll be sure to post it in here when I do! :)