Tyldwick Lenormand!!! (Malpertuis, Chelsea, Lothrop, Sputnik, Arabian)


The fellow who brought us the Tyldwick Tarot has just announced that he's working on a Lenormand deck!!! He's posted a photo of a preliminary Clover card on his Facebook page. I'm so excited, and will have to eat my words that I don't want any more lennies! LOL


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ana luisa

Thank you for sharing !!!! I can see why you, as an artist would fall in love with it. It really is exquisite :) The Tyldwick scares me but this one is quite tame!

Starri Knytes

I :heart: this!


How wonderful! I'm very happy with my trusty old blue owl but if I ever want to splurge on a Lenormand... I guess this is the one...


That really calls to me. I hope the rest of the deck is as nice.

Le Fanu

I adore the Tyldwick Tarot - more and more. This Lenormand will be gorgeous, I'm sure. I shall keep a close eye on this and watch its development.


If there's an option of with or without card inserts...

I would get it just based on the CLOVER. Like the style very much, I just find a playing card not of interest. Maybe he will think of doing with the symbol in a corner and please us all!

I don't mind the symbols, just the playing card at the top.

Glass Owl

I would love to see the playing card insert removed and just the six diamonds featured, perhaps moved over to the right a bit.

Similar to Lenormand Revolution.



I think the more subtle symbol pleases the vast majority. Those who want to know what playing card corresponds can tell, but it doesn't seem distracting to me. Here's hoping the artist is reading this :))). I would love that deck, I can already tell!

Ciro's treatment in the Gilded wasn't bad. I barely noticed the card symbol in the lower right. I want something I can overlook :). Most Lenormand's are fairly small anyway, and I just want to really see the image, the Clover, etc.

I'm glad we can make opinions known now even if the artist doesn't take them into consideration.


I already posted to his facebook post that the playing card insert should be smaller, and that many of us don't use them. :)