Answer Deck


Seems that no one has posted anything about this in years! I've finally got around to sorting (well, starting to!) my decks, and found I had this peculiar deck, called the Answer Deck. I seem to remember there was a folding placement thingy-me-bob with it. Does anyone else use this deck? Any advice on it? I have 73 cards, is this the right number, or have some gone walkies over the years?

ana luisa

I have this deck and use it whenever I want straight answers . No BS. For some reason, I put aside the "people's" cards. Don't really like to work with them. But , IMO, it's a very underrated deck and talks beautifully. The paper thingy that came with it is, in fact useful. I have used it every once in a while and it does show a nice progression : past - present - future. Have you lost yours ? Would you like an exchange reading with it, just for fun ?


You guys got me interested. I have it (aren't there several versions?) but never really looked at it. I'm gonna dig it out.

ana luisa

I'm glad I inspired someone! :) Try smaller spreads with it at first and do not get too worried about the words. The images are quite powerful as such so they may need no complementation .


I just checked it out. I didn't use the spread sheet paper, but did my own 5 card spread that I use with tarot. I asked if this deck would be helpful to me. I got Good Fortune, Generosity, Gain, Home & Inspiration. So, I'm thinking I'll give it a try, work with it some more. And many of the cards can apply to various tarot card meanings, to be more in depth. Have you used it like this before?


ana luisa said:
Would you like an exchange reading with it, just for fun ?
Indubitably! I'll need to follow you on the spread pattern though.

BTW, the Answer Deck is 73 cards, so, I'm OK there!