The Growing


I thought I would post this spread. It's my original spread, and it's a little different. It is an advice for a situation spread.

The Growing


1-The Soil-this is the basis of the situation, the soil in which the seed is planted.
2-The Seed-this is the seed which needs to be planted in order for the solution to "grow"
3-The Plant-this is the plant which grows from the seed, which becomes the root and the stem which will feed and hold the fruit(the solution)
4-The Fruit-this is the fruit which will be borne if you follow the advice to "tending" your plant ie situation.

A 5th card can be added to this spread above the 4th card if you wish...that is called The Harvest-basically it is a sort of a final outcome card though, and it simply expands on the fruit you you can best "harvest" this fruit to ensure that the plant continues to bear good fruit in the future.

I know it is kind of a different spread, but it's actually a very good spread for advice on a particular situation, because it does show the path you need to follow.

Would love feedback from those who give this spread a try. I have found it to always be a very revealing spread.


What perfect timing! I was just about to try a reading with a specific, 'this is who I want to be when I grow up' card and I wanted it simple. I'm going to try it with this spread, thank you!


cool...please let me know how it works for you.


Thank you. I like the metaphorical plant growing upwards with the cards. Worked well.