June 11


Hi gang,
I just got an e-mail from a friend talking about a lot of very powerful stuff going on June 11. But she kept referencing Zeus, Hades, Athena, and a bunch of other bodies I've never heard of. Anyone know anything about this?


I'm wondering if it is a reference to black holes and planets that may be aspecting them. Athena and zeus are names of astroids, but Hades is not found at http://www.astro.com/swisseph/astlist.htm

If it is a reference to black holes in regards to astrology, it is hard to say what they may do to the energies at hand. Black holes are everywhere in space, and their effects on their local environments are sometimes unpredictable.

The strongest aspect on June 11 will be Pluto in Sagitarius making a strong opposition to mercury, venus in retrograde, and the sun in Gemini.


DeLani said:
Hi gang,
I just got an e-mail from a friend talking about a lot of very powerful stuff going on June 11. But she kept referencing Zeus, Hades, Athena, and a bunch of other bodies I've never heard of. Anyone know anything about this?


I hadn't heard about anything, but checked the positions...

Hades and Zeus are both Trans-Neptunians; Athena (or Pallas Athene) is an Asteriod..

Looks like on June 11th there is a Sun, Black Moon Lillith, Hades and Pallas Athene conjunction in Gemini that is opposing the Earth and Pluto in Sagittarius...that sounds like some powerful shadow stuff attempting to be unearthed for the purposes of being transformed.

...thanks for the heads up :D

Chiron is also opposition Mars among quite a few other intense aspects

Venus is Retrograde in Gemini (the sign it rules on a soul level) and Venus is also conjunct Gemini's personality ruler, Mercury. These are both dispositors, then, of the Sun/Black Moon, Hades and Pallas Athene conjunction...urges to blend heart and head, and themes of molding the lower self to serve the higher...

Zeus, representing the principle of realization and fulfillment, is traveling with the Part Of Fortune

If you are interested in more about the transneptunians and asteriods here are a few interesting sites:





paradoxx said:
I'm wondering if it is a reference to black holes and planets that may be aspecting them. Athena and zeus are names of astroids, but Hades is not found at http://www.astro.com/swisseph/astlist.htm

If it is a reference to black holes in regards to astrology, it is hard to say what they may do to the energies at hand. Black holes are everywhere in space, and their effects on their local environments are sometimes unpredictable.

The strongest aspect on June 11 will be Pluto in Sagitarius making a strong opposition to mercury, venus in retrograde, and the sun in Gemini.


we must have been posting at the same time! interesting thoughts about the Black Holes...Do you know of any good reference material on the black holes and astrology?



http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch02/0212/bhsun-versace.shtml a good article

daykeeper articel from 2002 dealing with black holes http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch02/0210/libranewmoon.shtml

http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch02/0209/blackholes.shtml a focus on astonomical black holes and G W Bush astrology

http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch03/0307jul/amm-martha.shtml in regards to martha stewart

http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch03/0310oct/amm-nosferatu.shtml article on black hole "nosferatu"

http://daykeeperjournal.com/aarch03/0311nov/amm-deepspace.shtml Deep space anomolies

There are probably others, but these were the ones I found right away.



those links are fascinating! Thanks so much.

I've never heard of Alex-Miller Mignone. Looks like he has a book too. :)

Off to explore these in more depth...

thanks again,