how others view you


just something i thought id try and came up with this




1.How people here on earth see/view you as the heavens/guardians view you as
3. how you view yourself
4-5 - how you view those around you

1st spread ive made, try it out and let me know what you think (it can probably use improvement)


This is great, I'm going to try it out right now. It's not a point of caring what others think, but it may be a good reality check or teach us how to communicate with others better.

My only thought is that depending on my interaction with people and the level they know me depends on their opinion of me. I'm positive those few close to me see me totally different than my co-workers and my distant family/friends. We'll see what comes up, perhaps majority will win, or perhaps I'll do a reading for all three types of people in my life and see if it's different. :D


They all rang very true, no big surprises, but it did show a unity in how others see me, which is something I didn't give the general public credit for seeing.

I like the two cards for how I view those around me, it gave a clear picture. The cards I pulled were the 4 of cups and the Ace of Pentacles, which I take to mean that while most people bore and are different phases of life, I honor their hearts, I know they have the tools and capabilities to explore the journey of life and be true.

Thank you very much for sharing, I was looking for a small spread this morning and could not choose. I believe everything happens for a reason. (I drew the Justice and Wheel of fortune cards for how people and the heavens/guardians see me).


im glad you liked it, it just came up out of no where really, was feeling kinda low and wanted to see what it would say, it was also very clear and accurate for me, especially how i view myself and those around me, the heavens view me as the emporer lol


i gave this spread a try and it looks pretty good! I can't say much of what the heavens view me as, tho :) hehe thanks for sharing your spread with us.


Neat spread! I'll definitely try this one - I'll probably change 4) to How I saw people in the past and 5) How I'm viewing them now, that should be interesting (and add a littly developmental dynamic)...