Stolen tarot collection...

Lori klassen

I had a beautiful collection of tarot cards that had been with me a long time..that were stolen by an old landlord who wouldn't give them back to me..having trouble coming to terms with this and the fact that somebody else has my tarot collection!!
One of the decks was the vertigo tarot that has been discontinued...I miss it the most!!
Any suggestions on how to deal with this emotionally..


I drew you a 4 of Cups. Remember all the things you still have! Don't ignore the matter so you can complain about absence. Give more love to whatever other decks you may have! They will give you comfort!


Check the laws in Canada. In the USA if a landlord keeps your property without a court order it is theft and you call the police.


Is there anything you can still do? Tarot decks or otherwise, a landlord stealing a tenant's personal property is a serious breach of tenant's rights (and depending on the laws of your territory, probably illegal). Taking this to court could at the very least get you some money to cover damages, but I know that it can be hard to afford/have to time to fight a legal battle.

As for emotionally... If something happened to my deck collection, I would try to save up some money to buy a new copy of a favorite deck, probably ask friends if I could borrow one of those for a time, or at the very least buy a cheapo deck so I can dive back into Tarot again. Having your belongings taken by someone who held power over you can be traumatizing, so take care of yourself and don't feel guilty about mourning the loss of your decks.

ETA: Here is a website for Tenants Rights in Canada: (Sorry if this is breaking any rules, mods)


Since I work in Law Enforcement ...

... my first thought is that you should probably contact the local Police. I see that you're in BC, so I don't know specifically what your laws say about theft, but most such laws are something along the lines of taking something with the "intent" to deprive the person of said property. So, if this landlord came into your residence and took the Tarot collection and is refusing to return it, that pretty much shows intent. If the collection is worth a lot, the theft may be a felony ($1000 or more in Arizona).

Also, you mentioned that it was an "old landlord". I take it that he/she is no longer your landlord. This brings up the question of how/why they were in your residence? If they were in your apartment without your permission when they weren't your current landlord, it may really up the ante on the crime. In Arizona (and most states), illegally entering a residence with the intent of committing a theft is "burglary" which is a felony regardless of the value of what was taken. Again, the actual theft shows the intent.

There is also the likelihood that the Police may be able to recover the collection quite easily when they talk to this person. It is amazing how willing some people are to return items when they're faced with going to prison.

If, on the other hand, this person felt they had a right to this property (say because you owed some back rent or something), you may find that the laws might very well be against them anyway. Unless the property is abandoned, such as you leaving the collection behind when you moved out of an apartment, a landlord is generally not allowed to just come in and take valuables from you. If that is the case, the Police can still give you your options or talk to this person about getting your property back.

At the worst, if he were allowed to take your decks for some odd reason, you may have to take him to court to get them back. But from the information you've provided so far, it is unlikely that their actions were legal.


Come to think of it, I would also suggest looking into an "order of protection" (that's what they're called here). If this person is no longer your landlord, or a property manager, or anything like that, they have no right to come to your residence. An order of protection is a court order that tells them they have to stay away from you and your property.

Again, I'm thinking that when you said "old landlord" that they are no longer involved in the property where you live.


I had a beautiful collection of tarot cards that had been with me a long time..that were stolen by an old landlord who wouldn't give them back to me..having trouble coming to terms with this and the fact that somebody else has my tarot collection!!
One of the decks was the vertigo tarot that has been discontinued...I miss it the most!!
Any suggestions on how to deal with this emotionally..

hi, sorry to hear it. you can try to find the deck by yahoo action.

for emotionally, accept it . just let it go. it is gone for a reason.