Sabian Symbols Study Group: Aries Degree 15 - #15


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill :)

Sun Sign: ARIES
Degree: 15
Number: 15



Lynda Hill describes the Oracle for this particular symbol as

"By practising our skills, doing things that need to be done regardless of whether we enjoy them, there can be a celebration and rememberance of the experiences that led you to this moment."

I would like also to explore this Symbol a little further and its application for some oracle readings done :)

I see this symbol also refering to the three things which I think, in essence, make an Indian Blanket: The Weaver, the Wool and hard Work. Skill, Substance and effort. But these three ingredients bring about a wonderous gift.

My limited glimpse of the Native American Indian blanket comes from the Navajo. Ocassionally I saw beautiful old tradition blankets displayed in the glass cases which aligned the walls of the Trading Posts. In Chinle, in a small cafe, larger blankets and rugs adorned the walls, and in Tuscon at the monthly markets I purchased two cedar combs and a selection of awls.
One afternoon I was invited to one of the Guides parents house to look at the blankets and rugs his mother had made - to see if I would like to buy one. They were incredable and beautiful, but a treasure I could not afford, and yet were worth threefold, for what was being asked for them.

The blanket itself, is steeped in tradition and history. The type of skills used by the weaver, the breed of sheep and the quality of the wool, the different types of weaves used, the tools, the looms, even the introduction of manufactured and imported textiles. Each element has a story of considerable contribution to convey, in the history and the making of the blanket. Each has been through a transition and change over many centuries. The start of Navajo weaving is said to date back to about 1680.

In times of enslavement, the skills of the weaver were used to make blankets for their 'masters'. During the 1850 - 1870 after the round up of the Navajo and their compoundment to Fort Sumner, New Mexico, weavers were put to use making blankets and clothing for the Forts 'occupants'. Some blankets designs, thread type, color, size and weave belong to certain periods of the balankets history. There are 'slave' blankets, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Phase 'Cheif' (mens wearing) blankets, Womens (womans wearing) blankets, Childs wearing blankets, Yei Blankets, to name a few.

At one stage, the traditional woven blanket was almost replaced by manufactured blankets - as trade became widened, new fabrics were introduced for clothing and dress styles changed. At that time, non indigenous settlers were starting to replace the blankets use, by using it as a floor covering. The basic blanket 'market' was starting to shrink until it went through a series of changes in wool, ply and technique and was strengthened and thickened to produce the rug. The wovwn rug replaced the woven blanket as a commercial trade and sell commodity option. For centuruies the blanket/rug was recognized as a source of value and could be used for trade or sale.

The amount of work given to the making of a blanket is immense. Not only is there the learning and practise of traditional skills involved, but the time invested can be great.

Blankets are a very personal item - and blankets origins (maker, location, date) are often identified from their weave pattern, textiles, colours and designs. These defining attributes are the 'fabric' elements which tell a story. A tradition blanket will have a place in history, time and story attatched to it.

So in relation to the first part of the Symbol "A woman weaving a blanket"...
I associate the following using and implying some of the text above.

The weaver (Woman)- realization, personal goals, introspection, skills, learning, tradition, family and traditional history, intention, recognition, the 'path' of the weaver, inherant creativity, desire, purpose, creator of substance and beauty.

The Wool - Inner Substance, personal resources, and available resources, assistance, tools, quality, quantity & structure.

The Work - effort required, method, dilligence, appropriate time/timing, personal benefit, refining skills, craftmanship, application, planning, effort, focus, creativity, energy & stages - (initial, half way, completed).

The blanket storyteller, creation, past-present-future woven into one, the lesson, the fabric, the basis, the big picture,

'In the light of the setting sun'. Application

This element of the symbol got me to thinking about the temperature in the desert regions - say Arizona. I remember being so parched and tired walking the Anastazi trails at about 1pm with my full sleeved shirt, jeans and boots, I thought I was going to die!! LOL!! By three thirty in the afternoon - I was glad to see the welcoming site of a Hogan (traditional lodging) in the valley under the steep and glaring cliffs. I sat down on a log for about an hour just letting the cool afternoon breeze brush my clothes and watching the tall Poplar trees and long grasses sway. How much cooler and beautiful it was. I took in all around me, especially the changing colors of the sky and the sun on the red earth. It was peaceful and serene. In the lateness of the afternoon, after the sun had gone down, I had regained my spent energy, was relaxed and started to prepare dinner on the fire.

In relation to the meaning of the Sabian Symbol - I refer here to the earlier time of the day the "morning to full sun" when it is necessary to carry out other tasks of importance - a prior and necessary stage of the day in which certain 'dutues' are fulfilled - Some may seem menial, boring, repeditive, draining - a time of personal realizations - possibly that you 'lack' or you 'need' something to sustain you. Even the thoughts that things could be better/easier if ... Wheather it be water food, shelter or insect repellant (LOL;)) You hope for the conditions to improve and be better in the afternoon (along the path) when its in not so hot.

In relation to the last part of the Symbol, "In the light of the Setting Sun" - I see this refering to the 'best time' (most appropriate time) of the day to draw inspiration, peace, refreshment, contemplation, rest and relaxation. This would be a more 'ideal time' (IMHO) to be outside weaving a blanket.

If the loom and blanket are placed between you and the sun - not only do you have shelter and protection, but you are in the light, and you also have a better view of what you are doing. Your shadow is behind you and is eventually diminishes and disloves as the sun sets.

So you weave your blanket, your story, you commit, thread by thread, in quiet contemplation, knowing that you have dutifully completed your daily commitments and you can take this time and opportunity to work on the creation (the new task/project) in your hands. As you choose and gather your threads and wool, select your colours and your awl, so too, your are at the initial stages of preparation to create something of lasting durable purposeful beauty. You 'apply' your self to the set task.
You apply yourself to creating something substantial in your life.

If you spend enough time and work long and hard, eventually you be aware of the new pattern emerging, the evolution of the creation - you attend to it and watch it grow before you. Every thought that you have goes into the creation as you work.
Your life as a tapestry.

If you emerse yourself in your creation (blanket), taking your time, concentrating on the small details, and putting your energies into its manifestation - it is easier to identify mistakes early, or make necessary changes - more color and thread can be added as you go.
Your life is not set in 'concrete'.

You are the creator of your life, you are the artist and the weaver, your blanket is the end result of which you have honed all your efforts and resources skills and individuality into. Each and every thread, twist and turn is necessary for its creation to evolve. If there should be one important consideration at the start - it maybe defined by the size of the loom - how big should I make this blanket!
You can follow the path and teachings of others traditionally, using their knowledge craft and skills to create your own purposeful existance.
You are your own creation.

Creating something substantial, long lasting, and worthy in your life may take alot of consideration, time, effort and commitment - dont sell yourself short, trade it in for something of lesser value or loose it! ;)
Make yourself lots of beautiful blankets in the light of the setting sun, and be sure to share your skills with others so they can make beautiful blankets too :). Elven

Some words to summerize:
Durable, artistic creative, past- present-future, basis, traditional, making something worthwhile from limited resources and necessity, concentration, commitment, protection, sunscreen, insurance, shelter, security blanket,

Caution: Fabricated history or tale, replacement of traditional elements, not commercially viable, underestimation, undervalued, monotonous, thread bare, g-loom, unfinished projects.

Elven x


So I see it as a practicel skill, a creative useful outlet an indiviual has..

On another level I see it as a desire is to be an integral part of the threading together of Humanity, to weave a blanket of Oneness from all races, spiritual beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Integrating mind body spirit also. Colour texture fabric tradtion...

Dr Jones has the Keyword - diligence
Part of Body: Lateral lobes of brain

The oppostie symbol - circular paths I do cross stitch and it is circular, over
and over repetition and medative hmmm



Other related Symbols for Aries degree 15.

The Symbol before this one (Karmic Influence) is:
Aries 14: A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.


and the Symbol following it (Quest) is:
Aries 16 - Brightly clad brownies dancing in the warm dying light.


The Symbol opposite this (opposing influence) is:
Libra 15 - Circular paths.


The 4 Symbols in tension with Aries 15 is:

Cancer degree 15:
A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.

Libra degree 15:
Circular paths.

Capricorn degree 15:
In a hospital, the children's ward is filled with toys.


Symbols which are 60 degree apart from Aries 15 are:

Gemini degree 15: Two dutch children talking and studying their lessons together.

Leo degree 15:
A street pagent moving along a street packed with people.

Libra degree 15:
Circular paths.

Sagittarius degree 15:
A ground hog looks for its shadow on ground hog day.

Aquarius degree 15:
Two love birds sitting on a fence singing happily.


The 5 Pointed Star - Symbols which are 72 degree apart from Aries 15 are:

Gemini degree 27:
A young gypsy, emerging from the woods, gazes at far cities.

Virgo degree 9:
An expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing.

Scorpio degree 21:
Obeying his conscience, a soldier resists orders.

Aquarius 3:
A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of a dawning truth: freedom is never the result of compromise.


Element Bone needle
Discussion In days gone by, women making clothing and blankets used bone needles to pull various thread. In this context, we are looking at artefacts, that will tie us energetically to the past in this will aid in past life memory work. This element also is calming (not only the actual work of weaving, but bone energy is calming). I will go a step further and say this is an element of non verbal communication.
I want to share that this was one of those elements that would 'not allow' me to put anything else here, it was like its a bone needle and thats it.


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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I love everything Elven has said about this symbol and there is much to think on but my first thoughts come from a quiet meditation which this symbol lends itself so well to.

The light of the setting sun....................the end of the day when the shadows of night begin to creep in, the heat of the sun now a mellow glow, sounds seem hushed.
One can understand the old belief that the veil between the worlds was very thin at twilight.
It is the time to sit and relax and let the mind float free from the daily grind.

Aries is so much about ‘doing’ but here we are reminded of the importance of ‘being’ which appears to be ‘not doing’ but is simply another way of ‘doing’. ( If that makes sense :D). For wholeness we need to balance both kinds of activity.
Sitting quietly, particularly outdoors, we feel that sense of connection to the Universe and our inner world.

The weaving of our own individual blanket never stops until we draw our final breath in each lifetime ..........the colours and patterns tell the story of our hopes and dreams, joys and sorrows, successes and failures............the people whose threads have interwoven with ours. Our blankets are the manifestation of who we are.

My Indian is old.................the sun is going down on his life yet he still weaves. His fire has gentled to a quiet strength and wisdom, a sense of knowing his place in the world and happy to savour these moments. His skin is wrinkled.........itself like a blanket that covers his spirit and the lines on his face are the pattern of his life experience.

Why an Indian? Why not just say a man or a woman. We don’t even know what kind of Indian.
My feeling is our attention is being drawn to cultures that honour and respect the elderly. Something that is often sadly lacking in our western society. Recognising that although their fire is no longer the full on heat of the day they still have a valuable contribution to make.
How much time in our busy lives do we take to slow down and move at their pace? How often do we listen to their stories?.............or encourage them to use their talents and their wealth of experience in a way they can manage.?
Our world has become a place where the young are glorified..............on the TV the other night I sat and listened horrified to some arrogant young mans opinion that it was time all the antiquated over 50s were thrown out of his workplace and let the real men do the work.

Once people lived in closely woven communities and never strayed too far from their birthplace. Now families are scattered all over the world and one of the things that makes me sad is the loss of the grandparent/grandchild relationship. It is so special and so joyous...........the sunrise and the sunset together .

While I was meditating I kept getting this image in my mind of an old man weaving stories to a circle of children sitting around him.
Friday: Now , after tink’s posts in Aries 11 I try to look at this from a higher perspective. When I wrote it I kept getting the feeling that I’d wandered off on some tangent of my own which I probably have but I think it’s relevant.

Tink asked
Is there a legend about them?

Legends, myths, stories.............aborigines.............the Dreamtime.

The ‘ancient energy’ of the Old often described as uncivilised , ignorant savages , but they had a knowledge and wisdom that is now forgotten or ignored.
Living in simple, often harsh environments.............yet living in a balance and harmony we don’t have. There was no separation of spiritual/material............they wove their spirituality into their environment and their daily lives.........every living thing was respected and honoured and at the heart of it all was the great Mother.......Mother Earth.

They knew the Oneness..............the connection. We have been separated from it. We have lost the Dreaming.

I’m thinking aloud............we all know this stuff but I’m asking myself “Why has this been brought to my attention again now?. This symbol has many other meanings to explore but I was given this?

Maybe I’m having a brainstorm!!!! :D

I’ve tottered home from the library today under a load of Aboriginal Dreamtime Legends to read. :D



Mooncat2 - thank you for your wonderful wonderful insights! you ARE on a roll, please let us know what pops out for you with the dream time legends..



:) The lovely, quiet energy of this symbol is telling me to be still.........sit awhile and let the threads unravel so I'm taking a couple of days to do that.

I believe the choice of the Australian background isn't leads to the Dreamtime of the Aboriginal people. Of all early tribal cultures they are the ones whose life and legends have remained the purest...........until the coming of the white man they remained free from the influence of other peoples and their beliefs.
I feel a need to go back.........back to the purest source and follow a thread.

Because the karmic symbol for this one is "A Serpent coiling near a Man and a Woman" I'm drawn to the Rainbow Serpent.



mooncat2 said:
:) The lovely, quiet energy of this symbol is telling me to be still.........sit awhile and let the threads unravel so I'm taking a couple of days to do that.

I believe the choice of the Australian background isn't leads to the Dreamtime of the Aboriginal people. Of all early tribal cultures they are the ones whose life and legends have remained the purest...........until the coming of the white man they remained free from the influence of other peoples and their beliefs.
I feel a need to go back.........back to the purest source and follow a thread.

Because the karmic symbol for this one is "A Serpent coiling near a Man and a Woman" I'm drawn to the Rainbow Serpent.


Ohh Mooncat2!! You've touched on so much here!! Where do I begin!!

Elven's post has definitely helped me to understand this energy more, purple_scorp's image has brought it into perspective and mooncat2, your's has taken me even deeper.

mooncat2 said:
The weaving of our own individual blanket never stops until we draw our final breath in each lifetime ..........the colours and patterns tell the story of our hopes and dreams, joys and sorrows, successes and failures............the people whose threads have interwoven with ours. Our blankets are the manifestation of who we are.

Perhaps your reflection on the aged may be because Aries, one of fire, is the image of youth and blood, of immense creative energies. We are reborn in the fire, living over and over, layers and layers of different generations. There is a lot of symmetry in weaving blankets, rugs, and clothing, is this the beginning of insight, vision, intuition, merging with science, and math? And of the four directions, south, west, north and east, forming the cross of the compass and the corners of the square. Following a craft with great energy, expressive…a force that drives us that may not be of our choosing…..feeling of duty and obligation.

mooncat2 said:
The light of the setting sun....................the end of the day when the shadows of night begin to creep in, the heat of the sun now a mellow glow, sounds seem hushed.
One can understand the old belief that the veil between the worlds was very thin at twilight.
It is the time to sit and relax and let the mind float free from the daily grind.

After hustling and bustling all day long, as the sun begins to set, the analytical mind seeks to find solitude and balance. Recounting (sometimes judging) the days events sometimes creates traps and loops that if we don’t understand leaves us questioning and repeating old themes, in a different way and in a different time. We are our own light, we are our own shadow.... contrasting themes.....layers of experiences seeking awareness.

mooncat2 said:
Why an Indian? Why not just say a man or a woman. We don’t even know what kind of Indian.

Maybe it wasn’t the intention here to single out a certain culture…perhaps this symbol asks us to experience Earth as a Native within our own creation....again the Olgas.....Natural Woman....Red Woman!

Earth is old, its ancient and it has so many stories to tell that have been buried and hidden. Is this woman a record-keeper, revealing the hidden and the unknown such as prehistory, archaeology, a personal biography of ideas.

Is this symbol ruled and directed by the material world, in shape and in material….Her unique flowing design? The beauty she creates comes from her own devotion of her skills as the weaver….fused together, they create a ‘new property’. Knowledge and science working together to unlock nature and create it into man made ideas.

Each day we are creating. What energy is working through you today? Was it a word, a kiss, a movement that stirred you to begin weaving this? Was it a painful moment, a renewed desire, an old scar? Are you learning and understanding who you are? I wonder how others react to your creation and what reaction does it create in you? Is this a future development and/or a re-activation of the past? What have you left undone?

mooncat2 said:
The ‘ancient energy’ of the Old often described as uncivilised , ignorant savages , but they had a knowledge and wisdom that is now forgotten or ignored.
Living in simple, often harsh environments.............yet living in a balance and harmony we don’t have. There was no separation of spiritual/material............they wove their spirituality into their environment and their daily lives.........every living thing was respected and honoured and at the heart of it all was the great Mother.......Mother Earth.

They knew the Oneness..............the connection. We have been separated from it. We have lost the Dreaming.

I’m thinking aloud............we all know this stuff but I’m asking myself “Why has this been brought to my attention again now?. This symbol has many other meanings to explore but I was given this?

My father was just in his sixties when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Without direction an outlet or a goal, which many elderly encounter, he wandered aimlessly in a dream world, reliving his dreams and his accomplished experiences. Many of the aged fall into a sense of hopelessness and despair…….a feeling of being powerless, trapped in a mind that remembered what they did but nothing beyond….they’re at a standstill. Many of the aged are very aware of what is happening in our world but feel powerless to act. Have you ever walked into an old folks home? Try it some their faces light some games...and listen to what they have to say....

Has anyone ever felt powerless, trapped!?!? I have!! I blamed my parents for their lack of love, my mother for her lack of nurturing. I blamed friends, lovers, teachers...etc., and because of this, I was in deep despair, with no Will to change my own life. After all I was the victim wasn't I????

But as I understood the wisdom of the ancients, of the earth and of my own inner soul, I recognized I would not emerge out of this 'melting pot' until I assumed responsibility for all my experiences and happenings. And to do this I had to enter my sacred place and see what I had weaved of myself into in the world. I was in a void, a place with no Sun to vitalize me and no Moon to Guide me. I had to stitch by stitch, unravel my own ignorance and attachments.....forgive them and let them go. And out of this sacred ground, came dreams and visions and through writing and communicating, using all different types of divination, I've been weaving myself anew.

tink :love: