My views on the Void of Course Moon


What happens when the Moon is void? Well, according to some...nothing happens, according to others, things don't turn out as planned.

I'd had many years to test the "void" theory and my conclusion continues just as it's supposed to. If things don't turn out as planned, it's usually due to other factors, ie, poor planning, not enough information, or some other plantatary factor. I've never seen the daily Moon as a "trigger", unless it's a new/full Moon or eclipse.

Having been in the business world for the last 30 years and having studied astrology for that long, I can tell you I've seen big business deals started during void Moons, people planning vacations or weddings, or leaving on vacation or actually getting married and things working out more times than not. 99% of the population isn't even aware that the Moon is void, so life goes on....

The void occurs every 2 1/2 days and in reality, we just can't go hide under our beds until it enters a new sign.

My advice to you, TEST THE THEORY before believing.

All opinions are welcome!



First of all, I agree wholeheartedly about testing things, and I do agree completely that you can't put your life on hold every couple of days. I do think however that the VOC moon does have some internal effects, at least for me. I find that I feel impatient and stagnated when the moon is VOC. I feel like nothing is happening, and if something is, that it's not happening fast enough. I'll have to give it further investigation, but that seems to be my tendency.

:) Kes


i'm glad to hear you say that aquarian goddess :D i keep track of the full and new moons, and if she is waxing or waning. for a while i watched out for the voids, but they never seemed to make a difference to me. i got tired of trying to keep track of them so gave up before i tested them for any real length of time.


:: confused ::

Moon void?

Is that like it written a bad check or something?

SO my question is.. what is a voided moon


When the Moon (or for that matter any other planet) is void of course it means that it will make (perfect) no further major aspect to any other planet before it leaves the sign that it is currently in. The Seventeenth Century Astrologer, William Lilly, defined it slightly differently in that he said that the Moon (or any other planet) will not apply to any other aspect - so for him if the moon moved into orb against another planet but would only perfect the aspect after it had changed sign, it was not VOC.

As the Moon changes sign approximately every other day then it is VOC for some period of time every other day. My intuitive feeling is that something that doesn't happen (no aspect) is not likely to have any significant effect.

Like AG I don't use VOC Moons and have not noticed any effect though to be honest I haven't really looked. I have just got up to Horary Astrology in my Applied Astrology course and the VOC Moon is an important concept - so I guess I will now get the chance to test the idea!



I do put my money where my mouth is....I began an astrology association and chose a chart with a void Moon, because after doing 30 or so charts, that's the chart that just "felt" right to me. The void Moon was conjunct my ascendant and the association was my baby. I can't tell you the number of astrologers that said to me.....NO, don't go with the void Moon!

The association (non-profit) was a tremendous success while I ran it and although I stepped down as president about four years ago, it's still going.



I'm slightly confused by the above post AG. If I understand your first post you don't really feel that the void Moon has any noticable significance. So, firstly, am I right that in your choice of chart (and hence time) for the foundation of your astrological society, it was the Moon conjunct your Ascendant that was important and the fact that it was void was actually irrelevant to the choice.

And secondly, given the cojunction was the important factor, when others pointed out the void Moon and said 'don't do it', you basically said Nuts! (or similar expletive) and went ahead anyway?

I know that opinion is divided over void Moons - even with the Same Astrologer. Bonatus reckoned that it signified an impediment to the thing in question and the thing would not come to a good end.' On the other hand he reckoned it was a good time for 'drinking, bathing, feasting, and to use ointments to take the hair away'.

So as your society was not a profit making one but dedicated to pleasure and assuming that members liked the occasional drink, swim, food and depilatory then your society was fated to be a resounding success!! :)



Well, Minderwiz, yes we did eat, drink and were merry...but to my knowledge no one practiced any hair removal while there! lol

The fact that the Moon was conjunct my ascendant was an important factor, but not the only one. When drawing an election chart, many things are taken into consideration, the ascendant and its' ruler (sign, house placement and aspects) are two key factors. Our chart has Libra rising with Venus in Pisces in the 5th and trine the MC. I incorporated many social events and all were enjoyable and successful. Even the speakers had a blast.

I showed various charts to various astrologers and was told..."wait until such and so....wait for this to go direct...wait until the aquarius ascendant (which at the time of year was taking place at 2:00 AM!). In the end one must go with intuition (in addition to my astrological knowledge) and in this case it all worked out well and the void Moon did not diminish or negate the experience.



Thanks for the additional explanation. I particularly liked your last comment about going with intuition. I do think that there are times when the rules should come a very much second to intuition. If the chart looks and feels right then go with it.

Perhaps I ought to add for those starting out in Astrology that it is best to know the rules before deciding when they don't fit or when you think that you can safely ignore them.
