how fickle is the knight of cups really?


i've read the thread on the knight of cups here on this forum, which shows him in a less than flattering light. generally he seems to come across - to some at least - as untrustworthy and fickle. is there anything positive about him? is he aggressive? and if he characterized a relationship, what would the relationship be like?


DuQuette says: 'He has a natural innocence and purity that makes him likeable'.

I don't see a problem with this guy, he may be a bit 'shallow' and 'wishy-washy' but he means well. He would be the ideal grail seaker if not for his lack of staying power.

In a relationship I see this guy as a great friend, not so much a lover, one that is eager to please but one that may be your mate one moment but has left you behind and travelled onto the next one unless he changes in the mean time.


My two cents on the Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is a dreamboat who lives for romance, and his hypnotic charisma will leave you weak-kneed and breathless. He may be a visionary or a total jokey, but he's always intuitive, caring, and sympathetic. No other knight is as capable of profound love and devotion.

Unfortunately, he's so in love with himself that you don't stand a chance.

He is the emotional black hole of the universe. Toss your heart, soul, and car keys, and all will disappear forever. This guy learned at an appaling young age how to weasel his way out of work and charm his way ino bed.

He's definitely sensual, sexy, and cute, in a debauched sort of way. Don't let the facade fool you. A Prince of Cups would hurt you because he has a morbid fear of rejection. The Knight of Cups will do it just to keep his teeth sharpened.

He's a natural born liar. And he's honed the art until he fools himself. Such as when he's perched on his favorite bar stool, watching the sports channel and ogling hot bodies, but telling himself he's gathering material for the novel he plans to write. The only thing this loser will ever write is a smeared phone number on his cocktail napkin.

He loves sex games. Feel free to wear your nurse's uniform but expect him to play patient, not doctor. Buy a dog collar and he will bark. Introduce him to your best friend if you dare, but don't leave them alone. He will have affairs anywhere, any time, with anyone who will hold still long enough. And with an icy detachment that rivals the Knight of Swords. The Knight of Cups can leave you full of his declarations of undying love, drive straight to his favorite watering hole, and pick up the first available body.

Don't expect him to be the breadwinner. He may start on a career path early, but if he hasn't dropped the romote and picked up a degree by the time he's in his late twenties, forget it. You'll end up with a ne'er-do-well who thinks making his fortune means winning the lottery, and that Real TV is culturally educational.

He's tedious. He has a compulsion to use the same cliches he's used since high school and will invariably run a subject straight into the ground in the shortest possible time. Telling him he's not funny only eggs him on, because he's not after your laughter, he's out to provoke you.

All bluff and no substance, The Knight of Cups is a cast of thousands and even doesn't know what scene he'll play next. But, since he does like role-playing, you could pretend you're the Lone Ranger and ride on.

These knights make good actors, faith healers, vice cops, savants, and drag queens. They are also psychic; however so self absorbed that the only future they care about is their own.

He doesn't do realism. Instead he prefers to view life from either his internal set of rose-colored glasses, or from a state of altered consciousness. Either way, he drifts through the years with his head in the sand, preferring his fantasies and dragging behind him an endless line of losers he calls family and friends. But that's OK with him since it gives him an excuse to drink and bitch.

His is the philosophy of "Live and let live". Let other people scamble to grab the spotlight, run the world, or claw their way to the top; he's too busy making his dreams come true, quietly and determinedly behind the scenes. Years from now when all the others who underestimated him are taking sitz baths at the old folk's hime, he'll send them a picture of himself, soaking up the sun on a beach in the south seas.

Hope this helps

Love and Blessings



I think that the essence of the Thoth Courts show extreme cases of certain human qualities and that's why when they appear in a spread and when we make connections with them to our lives they can come across as negative simply because it's a trait being shown in the extreme.

i think a lot of what sweet intuition has said about the Knight of Cups is true (though not necessarily all), but the Knight of Cups is also the guy who leaves little love notes on your windshield, holds the door open for you and writes songs in you honour. But he does that with everybody and yes, he is somebody who "says that to all the girls".

But this Knight is not intentionally cruel and on some level he really does care about you - it's just on a much more shallow level than you probably hope. He loves so that he can be loved. And his motto is kind of "so much love, so little time".

The trick is to accept the Knight for what he is and embrace what he can bring to you at the present time. Nobody is represented by one single card for their entire life, maybe someday one Knight of Cups will evolve into the Knight of Disks, and another into the Prince of Wands... ya just never know.


Knight Of Cups

Wow, I can believe the beating this guy is takin' I'm not a woman so I'm not sure what a dream guy constitutes, but damn he seems pretty alright to me. The Knight of Wands is noble, but can't stand still or stay in one place for long. He seems to be the heartbreaker. The Knight of Swords has courage, but like his father can be cold, self serving, and if not given what he desires turn violent and mean. The Knight of Pentacles is the one so wrapped up in his own world. He's usually dull and prodding. He's nice but a total bore. So that leaves us with the Knight In Shining Armor. As stated earlier he's truly kind, dreamy, and yeah he probably charms the pants off of ladies, but to me he seems the most desirable. But like I said I'm a man, so what do I know?



The Knight of Cups is a lovely guy, especially in romance. Let no-one tell you otherwise. If you don't want to marry him,that is. If you do - well, be ready to share him ;)

sweet_intuition - very eloquent, but I don't agree with 90% of what you wrote - unless we are talking about the ill-dignified Knight, in which case I agree absolutely ;). When well-dignified, this man is every woman (or man's) romantic dream, and kind and considerate to boot. He's also altruistic to a fault. He'd give his shirt to a beggar.

I do think he has staying power, but it is like water, it wears down slowly, flows, trickles, floods. Sometimes he goes underground, like water. But still he goes on. He never stops, just like water never stops, unless there is a draught (in human terms that means - he runs out of inspiration).

Of course this is an archetype, not a real person. Real people are made up of multiple influences and no-one is just a "knight of Cups" or a "Queen of Disks".

(Fudugazi is a Knight of Cups by birth according to the Crowley method - so she feels she has to defend her kind :D)


thank you for all that information - it will fill a book soon. and most of it good news. but we are not talking guys here. i had the quality of relationships under the sign of the knight in mind. i suppose one could extrapolate from the person to the concept. but i wonder - everyone except one said that this one is a romantic card. what about non-romantic relationships? i've had him come up in relation to those quite often but never really made sense of it. i guess there are emotions involved whatever.


No violence.

This guy wouldn't do that, he'd run away instead.
He don't like confrontation.

What kind of relationship?

the kind where it's all nice, all hearts and flowers until something goes wrong and then it falls apart because one or the other in the relationship can't handle the pressure.

Or it's OK till commitment gets mentioned, and then it's I'll be in touch....sometime.

Or possibly Ok until someone prettier/nicer/new/different comes along, and then one party can't stop themselves being tempted.

Or everthings great until one party finds out the other has another lover on the side.

Not lasting, or only lasting while it's good.

But that's how I see it, how I see the knight.

Everyone would give you a different answer, because everyone sees him different.

Or even if we all saw him the same, some people would like those traits, some wouldn't.

What do you think of him, Bright eye?


thanks, Lillie. a lot of what you mentioned rings a bell.

Lillie said:
What do you think of him, Bright eye?
i think the image is gorgeous. i like the wings and the white horse and the cup held out as if he's offering his heart or all of himself - completely and absolutely. he's actually one of my favourite images in the thoth. together with the knight of pentacles. for me the knight of cups is someone who believes in the impossible, and sometimes this belief can actually make the impossible real, manifest it if you want. i suppose that's why he gets dissed a lot. because it's 'utopian' for most people. he's a heart-throb too but not necessarily with sex on his mind.

this would be the kind of relationship that would give me warm fuzzy feelings and one in which lots of warm and loving but also romantic and slightly mischievous (or teasing) language would be used.

i started this thread because i read the really bad press he got in another, and the image is too nice for me to go with that bad press.


Hey Bright Eyes could you please post the previous thread that you read about the Knight. I'm quite interested in it.

Thanks, Chris