Elemental meanings in this?


Hi there-

Ive been trying recently to pay more attentiont to the qabalistic and emental/zodiacal meanings of the cards, however, I am stuck on this one.

I did a 3 card spread regarding how someone feels about me (in a romantic sense).

In a regular deck, or on a regular occasion, Id say, Oh ok they have feelings for me but seems like they might be emotionally cut off, but what do the surrounding elements make of this spread?

I know that I am a Taurus, and this person is a Pisces, so earth and water...
There are 2 water cards and an air card. Both from what Ive read can do well together expect too much water is no good.

So Im not sure how to answer the question I asked with my 3 cards.
Can anyone give me some insight as to how to read into that elemental wise, or zodiac wise?

Like I said, Im trying to be more in depth with the meanings that Crowley has wanted us to see. I usually just read them as I do, as what they are, but I feel like its more complicated than what I just pull out.


It's the same EDs as any other Golden Dawn deck, basically, just the courts are a bit confusing because of the name change.

9 Cups - Water
Prince Swords - Air of Air
Princess Cups - Earth of Water

Or did that just muddy things worse for you?


Hi Isisrana,

Have you ever looked at the concept of modal dignity when looking at the zodiac dignity of the cards?

Modal Dignities refer to the zodiacal attributes of the cards of which there are three signs - cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Understand modal dignity can be helpful because it can invoke clarity and understanding of the energy and the concept of behavior of a card and between cards in a reading. This enhances the concept of the true establishment of relationships between neighboring cards in a spread.

In astrology, modality is the twelve zodiac signs which have been divide into categories by the four elements (fire, water, air and earth). Then it is broken down into three signs, aka modes (cardinal, fixed and mutable).

So at this point, think of it like this:

Elements = composition

Modes = behavior

Next, understand the three modes, plus the concept of non-modality. (Note: As developed by the Golden Dawn and as explained in Tarot Decoded by Elizabeth Hazel.)

Cardinal - Capability to conceive and give birth.

Fixed - Capability to grow and evolve.

Mutable - Capability to transform and fertilize.

Non-Modal - Capability to absorb and reflect.

Then, consider the sign of the zodiac as they relate to the elements and the modes: (Note: This is the point I find it getting complicated simply because I am not well versed in astrology and don't have the meanings of each zodiac sign committed to memory. BUT, my AH! moment here is finally understanding the concept of composition vs behavior. Or quite simply, establishing how the element is going to behave.)

First, elements:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Then, Modes:

Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Next, relate the modes to the cards.

The Majors: (Note: It is also important to understand the Major have a zodiac or planet association because planetary supersedes elemental and modal.)

Cardinal: Emperor (Aries), Chariot (Cancer), Justice (Libra), Devil (Capricorn)

Fixed: Hierophant (Taurus), Strength (Leo), Death (Scorpio), Star (Virgo)

Mutable: Lovers (Gemini), Hermit (Virgo), Temperance (Sagittarius), Moon (Pisces)


Elemental: Fool (Air), Hanged Man (Water), Judgment (Fire), World (Earth)

Planetary: Magician (Mercury), High Priestess (Moon) , Empress (Venus) , Wheel, (Jupiter) , Tower (Mars), Sun (Sun)

The Pips:

Cardinal - two, three, fours (conception)

Fixed - Five, Six and Seven (growth)

Mutable - Eight, Nine and Tens (transformation)

Non-modality: Aces (pure and influentiable)

The Courts:

Cardinal: Queen (conception)

Fixed: Knights (growth)

Mutable: King (fertilization)

Non Modality: Pages (pure and influentiable)

What does all this really mean? Well, it is simply a way of apply astrological concepts to the Tarot.

While Astrology and Tarot are two completely different subjects, they can become involved in a very intricate and intimate relationship if applied intelligently, methodically and consciously.

So, the bottom line is if you are doing a reading and you want to focus on interpreting the cards from an astrological and behavioral perspective, you should apply the modality factors. It basically opens the opportunity to build and choose techniques to read from an elemental perspective, modal perspective, or both.

I actually cut that out of an article I wrote a while back, but I guess what I am trying to say is you might want to consider which dignity you want to focus on, elemental or zodiac...then apply it. If you want further clarification, apply the other.

Have you read Elizabeth Hazel's, Tarot Decoded...I highly recommend it if you are interested in Understanding Dignity, expecially zodiacal. Her book actually inspired me to write a series of articles on dignity, and I learned a lot, but in the end I found it only use to expand a reading, not uncomplicated it. :)

Sorry for the long winded post, hope it helps. :)