Shuffling the Thoth


This may seem like another dumb question, but I was wondering if the Thoth Deck isn't made for reversals how do you shuffle it make sure the cards are all mixed up, because how I shuffle is that I spread the cards out on the cloth and mix them all around, but that creates reversals, is there any speficic method for shuffle just for Thoth. Any help on this will be appricated.

Thank you. :)


Not to be too painfully simple minded about it, but just use your usual method and turn them upright before placing them for reading.


Thank you Marion, I really appricate it


Better still, check the back of the card and place it the right way up as you peel it off the deck - otherwise some clients notice and want to start up a rave about why you are turning the card around.


Well, I don't have to worry about clients because I don't read professionally, (although someone in my area has signs advertising Tarot readings but that's another story) :)


I don't read reversals at all but with the Thoth having the non-reversible back, after you've done your shuffling, put them back into one and just turn the reversed cards before you do your spread. :)

The Thoth wasn't meant to be read reversed but if you see a reversed card, that is exactly what you'll try to do - read it.


shuffle as you go

Repeatedly cutting the deck and selecting a card from one of the cut stacks generates usable sequences without a "history" from previous readings. The cards can be inserted back into the deck in the same way, selecting them randomly from their positions in the spread. This way the cards are treated very gently; neither bent nor scratched.