help please


I am trying to understand elemental dignities.

I did a spread I pulled 10 cards I was kind of puzzled as how to read the last 4.
I asked how does X feel about a situation.

the first card was the Knight of wands to me this is something exciting fun but not very serious.

the next card is the three of cups. Again a time of friendship celebration etc.

Now this a fire and water card side by side. And I will be honest the upright meanings of these cards make absolutely no sense in the current situation. So should I be reading the reverse meaning of these cards. I understand fire and water weaken each other but what does that mean for the reading. I am trying to develop my skills at using the rest of the spread to tell me about the other cards.

the next card is the two of swords reversed. To me this means an imbalance in thoughts. As the upright card represents balance

the next card is the hierophant reversed. To me upright the hierophant represents tradition the status quo etc. But reversed to me this represent feeling trapped and constrained within the situation.

Once again this is an air next to an earth so in theory they weaken each other how would you interpret that? Do the reversed cards take on an even more negative meaning? Or does the meaning of the cards inch closer towards neutrality?

I am using this more as a learning exercise than an actual reading so any information anyone can share I would greatly appreciate.


Did you lay 10 cards in a row without positional meanings? Or are you trying to apply EDs to a Celtic Cross? Were you intending to use EDs from the start? Because EDs aren't usually used with reversed cards and are used with an odd number of cards that are then read from the center out....

So you're asking about KnW - 3C - 2S Rx - Hierophant Rx.

EDs are usually read in triads, so the KnW can't really be interpreted because we only have one of the flanking cards. But from the cards we have, I'd say that the rush of feelings (KnW) is weakened by drinking/partying (being too busy having fun to act on or even recognize the feelings).

3C could be joyful feelings that are weakened by the need to leave (KnW), causing X to decide to make his move (2S Rx).

X is confronted with his feelings (2S Rx) and doesn't know what to do with them because they're different from anything he's felt before (Hierophant Rx), causing him to drink some more (3C).

X takes an unconventional approach (Hierophant Rx) that is affected by his surfacing emotions (2S Rx).

If you really want to use EDs to read on the question, I would suggest using an odd number of cards (and probably no more than 7) ABCDEFG and then reading the triads CDE, BDF and ADG for the answer. Also, don't use reversals.



Thank you so much. I didn't know about the triads. Sometimes a card comes that makes no sense. I try to interpret using the surrounding cards to at least help makes sense of what doesn't make sense. I didn't intend to use them from the beginning. I was completely clueless about the reading that I was searching for clues


Going back to my original question, did you use a spread or did you lay 10 cards out without using positional meanings? If you didn't use positional meanings and were trying to tell a story from card 1 to card 10, then bringing us in on card 7 and asking us to help you finish the story won't work because we need to know the beginning and middle of the story to properly be able to help you understand the end of it. But of course, that would be the whole reading and would need to be posted in Your Readings.

And something to remember is that more often than folks would like, readings don't make complete sense until they're seen in retrospect....



No there were no positional meanings. I guess you are right. Thank you for the input.