Five of pentacles reversed


Hello. Can you help me with five of pentacles reversed in question "which areas need to be liberated within yourself to allow good relationships in your life" I dont get what this card means in this aspect.


Moderator Note

Welcome to Aeclectic, Ateni!

Aeclectic is a learning forum, so we require folks who ask for help with card interpretations to at least make an attempt as interpreting the card(s) themselves before others can help them. The best way to learn is to try. It's real easy to throw up your hands and say "I don't know, so tell me the answer." But that's not how things work here.

Other posters, please hold off until Ateni has provided their thoughts on what the card means.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Hmm. I assume it says something about letting go of unhealthy relationships or if I already did that, just to try forget it for good.
I really dont know.because all my found meanings aren't so related with my life situation I guess, so it's hard to understand what exactly it wants to say:eek:


There may have been scandal around you and you've been ostracised in the past. This is subsiding and relationships in general are now improving. A difficult financial phase is almost over and you may have been ill too but the struggle has brought you a solid appreciation of what is important and what is not.


Upright the 5P can be about feeling left out in the cold, material loss, or being disenfranchised. It can also point to having someone there who sticks with you through thick and thin.

Since the question was about what you need to release in order to have good relationships, Rx it could be telling you to let go of the idea that you need someone else by your side. Upright that need could suggest falling into bad relationships, so Rx it might be suggesting to get rid of that thought (that you need someone else) and realize that you can make it on your own. Once you've released the idea that you need someone else to help you make it, you'll start allowing good relationships into your life.

Does that make sense?



Maybe it does! thanks for you insight!