Planet Series: SATURN transiting thru your houses


For WhiteRaven

Uranus is currently at 11 Pisces, opposite its natal position at 9 Virgo, so you have been experiencing this factor for a bit. While you will have a small break in the "action" for the summer months, you will revisit this opposition again this fall for the last time.

I use "The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000 to 2050 at Midnight" as my book-reference. I also have older ephemerides for earlier years and my software can print out an ephermeris for any span of time, with any intervals, for any period covering a couple of thousand years ago up to a similar span of time in the future. The book epherides are handy to have and make it easy to scan planetary patterns over time.

Saturn will soon turn direct at 4 Leo, opposite your Mars at 0 Aquarius and your MC at 4 Aquarius -- and Saturn will approach an opposition aspect to natal Saturn and Venus over the next 2 years. All told these major aspects should correlate with you making significant changes (Uranus opp. Uranus) in your life in terms of your family sturcture (Saturn along the MC axis), a new sense of freedom (Saturn crossing the IC into the 4th) -- all of this being built upon a reassessment of how you need to relate to others (Saturn/t opp. Saturn and Venus natal positions). Natal Neptune squares this Saturn/Venus conjunction, and transiting Neptune is operating in your 10th and approaching natal Saturn now. How you used to cope, hope and mope around relative to dealing with responsibilities versus the dreams you had for yourself will no longer be the same kind of challenge -- you need to think about how you can give substance to dreams or apply a social/sensitivity/creative aspect to your responsibilities. In any case you will have an opportunity to make leomonade out of lemons and make your life more productive and pleasant. Dave


For squeakmo9

Isn't it interesting to see the parallels between one Saturn cycle and the next. We seem to encounter the same things each time but when we look at them we can see the differences between the cycles. In the first cycle its all about you and your development. In the second cycle its all about "them" and how you work and relate to "them" such that it continues to help you grow. In the third cycle its a combination of going within to externalize a legacy that helps and benefits others.

All in all, it looks like you are making good progress in both understanding more about astrology as well as doing more for yourself and others in a way that really fits what Saturn's astrological cycles suggests for you and for each of us. Give yourself an "A" for effort and for progress. It is the sharing of personal stories such as this that helps us put a face onto astrology so that we no longer need to rely upon cookbooks and astro-babble to understand and to communicate. Thanks for sharing. Dave


Thank you Dave! :)

As I look at the various times in my life that had real significance, there is definitely a trend to this transiting Saturn. The last time it transisted through my 4th house I was 12.5-13 yrs old and there was a major change. We were living in the States and moved back here to Montreal. The initial move to the States took place while Saturn was transiting the 12th and I've noted that the second time it entered that house there was much the same upheaval in my life, only the second time around hit me even harder. Probably because of my age by then and the added responsibilities of being an adult and Mother. So the rythmn is keeping pretty much the same. Two major upheavals in the transition through the 12th and then two major ones again transiting through the 4th. Those two houses seem to be quite significant in my life as this pattern seems to show quite clearly.


For stardancer

A sextuke? I hope it is not a new work because I have no idea what it might mean. A typo for sure.

I put great stock in mid-points that are close to exact. And I concur with your commentary on Venus=Sun/Neptune. And it is interesting to see that these symbols always try to express themselves on as many levels and in as many ways as your life permits. When you look at a specific situation or set of symbols, this is where you start to think about "detail" -- not in the early viewing of the chart.

I think that almost all of us view Saturn as a hinderance. My wife's Saturn is opposite (tightly) my Venus and we have a difficult life time together. I see no hope of it ever entering some sort of a graceful accomdation. Every woman I have met and liked seems to have their Saturn on my Venus, MC, Sun, Moon or something. Perhaps I should have been a hermit in a cave!?

Overall, this is one of Saturn's mysteries that I seem to be so close to that I can't see the answer. Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
I think that almost all of us view Saturn as a hinderance. My wife's Saturn is opposite (tightly) my Venus and we have a difficult life time together. I see no hope of it ever entering some sort of a graceful accomdation. Every woman I have met and liked seems to have their Saturn on my Venus, MC, Sun, Moon or something. Perhaps I should have been a hermit in a cave!?

Overall, this is one of Saturn's mysteries that I seem to be so close to that I can't see the answer. Dave

I have been under the impression that in order to have a good, long and dutiful relationship, you must have Saturn in hard aspect to the Sun, Moon or Venus. It seems in all the synstry I've done, there are hard Saturn aspects between partners. My husband and I share a gloriously difficult Sun/Saturn opposition. My Saturn to his Sun, and a lot of the times, I'm the Saturn guy, although my husband has a Moon/Saturn square. Isn't that a cosmic joke, lol. An exciting, love/lust at first sight relationship full of Uranian vibrations fizzles out without Saturn to stabalize it. This was the relationship my husband had with his ex... lots of Uranus, but they divorced and that, too, ended up being a difficult scenario. I don't even want to think what a Neptune/Pluto relationship would entail. I think a good mix of Jupiter, Mars and/or Venus aspects helps to offset all that, especially conjunctions, probably even oppositions. Even with Mars if it's a trine to the Sun or Moon, although I've seen conjunctions work, too. I have a male friend that I share a Venus/Moon conjunction with, and even though we argue, we still like each other.


For stardancer

You noted ... "in order to have a good, long and dutiful relationship, you must have Saturn in hard aspect to the Sun, Moon or Venus." I don't want to dwell on what can't be changed but the "good" is not there in this Saturn opposition. As I noted, I'm too close to the situation and the charts to see clearly what the lesson is. But, I appreciate your comments and generally agree with them. Dave


Well, the 'good' in that remark was meant to be half sarcasm. What I mean is, it would seem that love needs to revert to some form of duty, or else it doesn't survive. That love becomes a choice to stay with another person. I've read that in older days when people didn't marry for love, but for wealth, social or status reasons, that people in these marriages got along better than you would think. Maybe because of attitude and necessity. It was considered very unfortunate if you fell in love. But I didn't live back then and this is now. Apparently we are very idealistic sorts.


Saturin in the last quadrant -- houses 10, 11 & 12.

At this point, as Saturn transits the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses, you need to keep an overall thought in mind. In terms of what you believe you should be, have you lived up to your own highest vision of yourself? Are you honestly worth the influence you can exert at this time of your life?

Saturn in the final quadrant will exert influence over others -- you will focus on your role so that others will follow you. You have built a place for yourself within the social structure -- this may be a family, a workplace, a village, the wider world that you operate within. You set the scale of influence that is needed just as you set the expectations you have for yourself. What you do will establish your public image. Where you have previously increased your ability to function, you now have to shift to increasing your influence.

You may feel that you have extended yourself to the maximum degree, you may feel elation at having reached your goal, some feel that they have given too much and are not "wiped out" in terms of personal resources, while others feel that "now" isn't really worth it.


Prove your self-worth before others. Focus on everything outside of your personal life. Great demands seem to be placed on you, yet you have made yourself capable of meeting them. Pressures within your career or work or daily life seem great at this time. You need to work "smarter" and more efficiently now. If you are "pressured" you resist. If you "choose" you win. So choose your path and avoid being forced down another path. Remember, its your image, your game, your rules, your vision -- so its your choice.


With influence established during the time Saturn transits your tenth house, you can now start working throug associations and groups of people who are around you. You can gather and unite the individual efforts and wishes of others into a common goal -- you gain in your strength and in turn unite them in a collective strength. It is likely that rewards will be realized at this point. Now, these rewards will actually relate to the value of what you have achieved -- if you failed yourself, your rewards will be disappointing. If you met your own vision then your value-to-others will shape their reward for you.

It the old "plant to harvest, harvest what you have planted" syndrome. Keep this in mind as we talk about the 12th house transit of Saturn.


By now it should be apparent that Saturn in this cycle is not so bad as it was in the third quadrant. After all, you just had to be yourself in the 10th (although you really had to live up to your image and your goals), and you had to work with others in the 11th (they might have done much of the work involved, all you had to do was unite, lead, inspire). Well, in the 12th house it all can catch up to you!

If you fluffed off, didn't apply yourself, made no sincere effort, could't focus your attention and energies relative to giving everything you had -- then you probably didn't help those (wer are now in your 11th house) around you to collective improve themselves. If you took the easy road, now you pay!

In the 12th, you start making the adjustments needed to help you through the next Saturn cycle. If you were diligent, then these changes are going to be somewhat easy. If you gave it less than your full and honest effort, then the adjustments and the next cycle are likely to be harder.

Saturn in the 12th may bring feelings of Fates heavy hand on your shoulder. Saturn is, to quote a favorite author, Marc Robertson, "not a taskmaster but instead is a timekeeper." You will likely experience situation where you literally "run out of time." You need to raise money to pay the mortgage but the bank forecloses before you do so, as an example. A sense of confinement is another "feeling" that one might have at this point unless they are moving toward readying themselves.


"There is a time and a place for everything." If you see Saturn as being a master Time Keeper rather than being a Task Master, everything becomes easier! Joyfully move through each house transit and accept the life-theme that seems thrust upon you. Go with the flow, give yourself more fully to the learning process and don't drag your feet or waste time -- and Saturn's cycle through your houses won't be bad at all.

Saturn has a role to play. But there are other players in your chart, each with their role to play. So, Saturn is just one player, you have to give the other planets opportunities as well within your life.



what effect does it have to have a saturn return and a uranus return at the same time

what effect does it have to have saturn and uranus at the same time?

supposedly i have had uranus transiting my mercury, sun and soon to be venus...
and my saturn is going to be coming round soon too--

any thoughts?


For serenaserendipity

Uranus transits bring an impulse to "change", events that force "change" and relationships (friends, relatives, business contacts, society figures) that present new models to cope with compared to those you used to have contact with.

When Saturn follows Uranus through your chart, Saturn will hit these symbols some time later after you have faced the many forms of change posed by Uranus. Saturn will then be asking you to define how you want to cope with this changeful period, what do you want to keep, what do you reject, what are the new rules, how does these changes affect your personal growth and your impact upon others in your life.

So, for you, this is a logical one-two process: experience "change" in its various forms, then decide how much of that "change" you keep and how it will fit into your life and growth. Dave