A crystal that will be happy with copper?


I've had lots friendly and very helpful advice here before, so I'm back again...

I have a cage-type pendant thingummy made of copper, which I'd like to go back to trying since I'm mid flare-up (on and off for weeks now) of my pain condition. I do use carnelian too, with caution, which has been a lot of help but that suits exhausted days more, and lately my energy/oomph isn't any problem, just the godawful ache.

Originally I put an amazonite crystal in the copper cage, which really doesn't seem to go together, though the colours are great together at least for my own taste! (not everyone's maybe) and I'm wondering now about variscite. I didn't want to start spending again - hard to stop at just one, once I begin ;) - so I was hoping to use something I already have, but between getting the right size and the right stone and something that I like colour-wise, I haven't really got anything.

Seems silly to wear the copper with nothing inside it!
I haven't got a copper bracelet that fits, nor am I really a bracelet person.

Anyway does variscite seem a good idea, to you who know more? Or any other suggestions? I don't want to go for any yellowish/orangey crystals which I think would look less than comfortable aesthetically with the copper.

Thanx :)


If you have a small piece of Malachite (and I realsie you might not have :( ) that could be great. Contains copper itself, and is found by some to be really good for pain.

Good luck


Reading around malachite I see it certainly looks good - I mean looks appropriate, *and* looks nice lol. I'm still torn. Not sure if I have a piece already, if so I'll try it out... I inherited quite a few and have only identified some of them so far. i don't think I have malachite though.

The thing that's been calling me a lot, lately, is citrine - I do definitely a small piece or maybe a couple - but that isn't for this, methinx.