Decks you love, but...that one card.


The Devil card is one of my most beloved images of any deck SOOOOO my big "what the total eff" moment came with 'The Horned One' image in The Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed. I mean...seriously. Gasp. It's too awful for awful. It makes me cringe. So. Very. Much. I ALWAYS ask in my head (sometimes even out loud, for I can't help myself) when I try to flip through this deck on occasion, what the f**k?! Ghastly.

Also, although this one does NOT provoke the above reaction (thank the good Whoever) I rather dislike the Devil image in the Morgan Greer deck. I just get the..."well, is that all?" feel about it. Kind of flat. Like it's lacking something. Depth. Yes, depth, I think.


Faith in the Tarot of Dreams just changed the WHOLE meaning of the Hierophant

The Juno and Jove in the Tarocco Francese di Besancon KILL me. I adore that deck so much otherwise


The 5 of Swords in the otherwise awesome Hudes tarot. It's much too violent, literal, and limiting. Also, the same card in the Anna K tarot, as well as the 7 of Swords in the Anna K for other reasons. Funny that it's fashionable for many to shun the Pixie-drawn RWS decks because the images are 'limiting', but lo the hundreds of clones out there that polarize them even more so.